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PUBLIC MARKS with tags framework & php5


The big list of current PHP development frameworks

by Xavier Lacot
50+ PHP5 frameworks reviewed. Very glad to see that the fastest framework of the history is in the list - I'll use randomly some of them if I have time to loose.


Using the Zend Framework with Symfony 1.1 | MirthLab

by loneseb & 3 others
I’ve written about using the Zend Framework within Symfony before but things have changed a bit in Symfony 1.1 so I wanted to post an update with a new Symfony 1.1 compatible approach to loading and using the library from within Symfony. The biggest change that has happened since my previous article is that the sfZendFrameworkBridge has been removed from Symfony. This is actually a Good Thing since, as you’ll see in a moment, there is now a more elegant approach to loading external libraries.

TYPOlight - CMS - Logiciels Libres - Framasoft

by camel (via)
TYPOlight est un système de gestion de contenu web créé en 2004 par Leo Feyer, et soutenu aujourd’hui par une équipe d’une vingtaine de développeurs. L’objectif était dès le départ de proposer un CMS : * 100% accessible qu’il s’agisse de l’interface d’administration fondée sur AJAX mais fonctionnant aussi sans javascript (suffisamment rare pour être noté) ou du code généré côté utilisateur (tous deux conformes WAI) ; * moderne avec dès le départ une base de code en PHP5 orienté objet, un système de mise à jour automatique (payant, dégressif pour plusieurs domaines), un outil d’installation des extensions simple et sûr et un code généré valide XHTML strict ; * flexible du point de vue de la personnalisation des modèles de page (en s’appuyant sur un solide framework CSS) ou nativement du point de vue des types de contenus (pas de contrainte de structure de type titre - sous-titre - contenu).

Jelix, framework PHP

by damdec & 9 others
Jelix est un framework open-source pour PHP5 qui permet de développer tout type d'application : * Performant : conçu pour les sites à forte charge. * Entièrement objet, fortement modulaire et extensible. * Basé sur des modèles de conception connus dont MVC, DAO.. * Prend en charge de nombreux formats de sortie : XHTML, XUL, RSS, ATOM, RDF, ZIP, XML, PDF, etc. * Facilite le développement des services web de type XML-RPC, JSON, et autres contenus pour Ajax. * Intègre un puissant système de formulaires, notamment pour faire des formulaires de type CRUD. * Inclus bien d'autres fonctionnalités et facilités...

symfony Web PHP Framework » Blog | The symfony 1.1 architecture

by kasi77
Before we release symfony 1.1 later this week, I want to give some information about the new symfony 1.1 architecture. Apart from the new exiting features we have in symfony 1.1, this version also represents a year of hard work to refactor the internals. Let's dig into symfony internals a bit!

symfony Web PHP Framework » Blog |How to create an optimized version of your website for the iPhone in symfony 1.1

by kasi77
symfony 1.1 introduces native support for different formats and mime-types. This means that the same model and controller can have different templates based on the requested format. The default format is still HTML but symfony supports several other formats out of the box as defined in the factories.yml file

Livre Blanc : Frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise

by nhoizey & 2 others
Un livre blanc présentant les frameworks majeurs disponibles pour PHP, en mettant en évidence leurs zones de confort et inconfort

WSO2 Web Services Framework for PHP | WSO2 Oxygen Tank

by nhoizey & 2 others
WSO2 WSF/PHP is a complete solution for building and deploying Web services, and is the only PHP extension with the widest range of WS-* specification implementations


Zend Framework | Carsten’s Random Ramblings

by mbertier (via)
There were just enough “this will be in an upcoming version” comments to make me believe that the project hasn’t really come very far despite it’s 1.0 tag. Judging by some of the questions people asked, I was obviously not the only one with that reaction.

Installer Symfony sous Mac OS X avec MAMP - Glagla Dot Org

by nhoizey
Symfony est un framework RAD PHP vraiment interessant. Voici un rapide tutoriel pour l'utilisez sous OS X avec MAMP.

symfony PHP5 framework » Chapter 17 - Extending Symfony

by kasi77
You will probably need to reuse a piece of code that you developed for one of your symfony applications. If you can package this piece of code into a single class, no problem: Drop the class in one of the lib/ folders of another application and the autoloader will take care of the rest. But if the code is spread across more than one file, such as a complete new theme for the administration generator or a combination of JavaScript files and helpers to automate your favorite visual effect, just copying the files is not the best solution

symfony PHP5 framework » Chapter 1 - Introducing Symfony

by nhoizey
Why "symfony" and not "FooBarFramework"? Because [...] The other alternative was "baguette."

symfony PHP5 framework » The Definitive Guide to Symfony and symfony 1.0 RC1 released

by dièse
We are very proud to announce the official release of The Definitive Guide to Symfony, a book that myself and Fabien spent the last months writing. The 490 pages of this book explain all you need to know from starting up symfony to managing a symfony application, with a lot of practical examples and expert tips.


symfony PHP5 framework » Announcing symfony 1.0 beta 1

by nhoizey & 1 other
It's been a long time since the latest beta release (0.7.1915), and even a longer time since the last stable release (0.6.3). Today, we are happy to announce the release of symfony 1.0 Beta 1, and this is a major step towards the version 1.0, which should come shortly

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