VALLÉE : fabricant de fourches
by valeryVallée est un manufacturier d'équipements de levage au Canada.
apt-get install hadopi « ®om's blog
by kemar & 1 otherRT @gonzague: RT @nicolargo:"apt-get install hadopi" :): http://is.gd/3yK5n [from http://twitter.com/kemar/statuses/4170101707]
Château des Ducs de Lorraine - Sierck les Bains (Moselle) - Actualités
by kemaren route vers le chateau de malbrouck pour la "marche des seigneurs" 20km :-/ http://bit.ly/DkOcM [from http://twitter.com/kemar/statuses/1667051885]
by kemar"Un organe vestigial, c'est génial !" http://ping.fm/9YnsO [from http://twitter.com/kemar/statuses/900463084]
JazzPote - Festival de Jazz Thionville
by kemarProgramme du w-e : ce soir Jazzpote http://jazzpote.free.fr/ et demain Raul Paz http://tinyurl.com/6qtrxa [from http://twitter.com/kemar/statuses/850050830]
The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Scholarship Programmes
by infokerja (via)The Bank`s fund and implement its scholarship programmes as part of its overall effort in the development of human resources of its member countries and those of the Muslim communities in non-member countries.There are three scholarship programmes offered
Jurispedia, the shared law. le droit partagé, das gemeinsame Recht, el derecho compatido,
by glebel & 2 othersJurisPedia ist ein aus einer universitären Initiative entstandenes Lexikon-Projekt, das sich den Rechtsordnungen der Welt und der Rechts- und Politikwissenschaften widmet.
JurisPedia is an encyclopaedic project of academic initiative devoted to worldwide law, legal and political sciences. The project uses a wikispace to allow disparate contributers to define legal terms and concepts on an international multi-lingual scale.
JurisPedia est un projet encyclopédique d’initiative universitaire consacré aux droits du monde et aux sciences juridiques et politiques.
urispedia es un proyecto enciclopédico de origen universitario consagrado al Derecho existente en el mundo y a las ciencias jurídicas y políticas.
(7 marks)