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PUBLIC MARKS with tags free & "iPod Touch"


iOS Apps: Puzzle Agent

by alamat (via)
When White House inquiries to the Scoggins Eraser Co. are answered only with curious puzzles, Nelson Tethers from the U.S. Department of Puzzle Research is sent on the case

iOS Apps: TrafficDito

by alamat (via)
TrafficDito gives you real-time traffic updates from people stuck in it! It's the first social traffic monitoring app that helps you identify trouble spots in Metro Manila through fellow app users and the Twitterverse! This means you get only the most relevant and recent traffic updates from people actually on the road.

iOS Apps: Comics

by alamat (via)
The only iPhone/iPad comic platform that has Marvel, DC and The Walking Dead. Purchases made can be read on the web, too, at! The largest comic library and store with Guided View™ Technology, which says “solves the problem of reading comics on the small screen.” With over 12,000 comics! Featured on Jimmy Kimmel, CNN, and more!

iOS Apps: Instagram

by alamat (via)
3.75 Million users love Instagram! It’s a free, fun, and simple way to make and share gorgeous photos on your iPhone.

iOS Apps: MetalStorm

by alamat (via)
“It’s the best flight sim/online action game on the iPhone, and one of the best games on the platform full stop.”

iOS Apps: PocketMoney LITE – Checkbook

by alamat (via)
PocketMoney gives you the most features, at the least cost, in an effective user interface. Find out why says: “The app is easy to use that in fact, it is fast-becoming my most-used app on my iPad.”


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