December 2005
Bill Clementson's Blog
by macroronBits and pieces (mostly Lisp-related) that I collect from the ether.
Another Word for Nerd Blog » Lisp Books
by macrorona collection of LISP books as freely-distributable online.
November 2005
Teach Yourself Perl 5 in 21 days - Table of Contents - .ru
by macrorondesigned to teach you the Perl programming language in just 21 days. When you finish reading this book, you will have learned why Perl is growing rapidly in popularity: It is powerful enough to perform many useful, sophisticated programming tasks, yet it
Download Programming Books .ru
by macroronAs soon as we finish design of the site, a lot of books will be added
Freeones: the Ultimate Supermodels - Celebs - Pornstars Link Site
by macroron & 1 otherPhoto Gallery - All Free Galleries
AbsurdlyCool Freebie Finder: Search Engine
by macroronan automated free stuff aggregator. I've designed it to collect free stuff offers from top freebie sites, while filtering out scams and referral pyramids. I'm still working out the kinks, and so your suggestions are always welcome. Listed below are the mo
AbsurdlyCool Freebie Finder: Link Index
by macroron & 7 othersan automated free stuff aggregator. I've designed it to collect free stuff offers from top freebie sites, while filtering out scams and referral pyramids. I'm still working out the kinks, and so your suggestions are always welcome. Listed below are the mo
September 2005
(14 marks)