January 2008
TorrentFlux - PHP BitTorrent Client
by lecyborg & 4 othersTorrentFlux is a FREE web torrent client that runs on a web server. It is implemented on the LAMP stack. Manage all of your Torrent downloads through a convenient web interface from anywhere.
May 2007
mon.itor.us - FREE website monitoring
by lecyborg & 17 others
External Monitoring
Monitor 24x7 websites, network devices and more
Instantly reports your site outage and response time.
To ensure ultimate web experience
April 2007
jMemorize - Learning made easy (and fun) - A Leitner flashcards tool
by lecyborgjMemorize is an free open-source Java application that manages your learning processes by using flashcards and the famous Leitner system. jMemorize makes memorizing facts not only more efficient but also more fun. It boosts your whole learning experience and features categories, statistics and a visually appealing and intuitive interface.
April 2006
Multiposte : solution pour les routeurs - FreeNews - Edition Nationale : l'actualité de Free Haut Débit
by desmo & 4 othersInformations sur Mozilla Firefox et Mozilla
(9 marks)