June 2008
One Egg, One Hundred Baskets: Social Media Leverage
by springnetSocial Leveraging squeeze goodness out of the tools that are free strategy acts as platform wrangler drags big names of social media, networking and aggregation together. create one page/blog post that hits on social aggregator ften different directions.
April 2008
Loic Le Meur Blog: My social map is totally decentralized but I want it back on my blog
by springnetThe challenge for Friendfeed and the like is that while I really like all my services gathered in one place, I would rather that these would be centralized on my blog instead of a third party service. Yes you can cross post or add badges, but it's not rea
The Last Podcast
by springnetWith Alert Thingy and now Twhirl, the market for FriendFeed desktop apps already feel crowded. The development cycles for both apps are extremely fast and the Twhirl developers arerumored to release a new version tonight.
Technology « // Internet Duct Tape
by springnetI’ve written a program that uses Google’s social graph to find the links between Twitter users and Friend Feed users. Download the program, run it, enter your passwords and watch it find and subscribe to all of your Tweeps on Friend Feed.
Alert Thingy: A desktop app for FriendFeed.com
by springnetall your friendfeed alerts delivered direct to your desktop. Does for friendfeed what twhirl does for twitter. wow.
by springnetJust like Thwirl and Snitter totally changed the way I interact with Twitter and drove up my usage as a result, Alert Thingy is doing that for FriendFeed. As Dennis says, who btw I ripped off the title for this post from, the result is that I am evolving
louisgray.com: Silicon Valley Blog
by springnethome for early adopters, tech geeks, RSS addicts, and Mac freaks. TiVo, sports, politics. Good daily read.
March 2008
(8 marks)