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PUBLIC MARKS with tags galerie & image



by Spone & 1 other
Image Gallery for mobile and touch devices iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry 6 and Desktop all supported.


Monoslideshow - The ultra customizable Flash® image viewer for your site

by nhoizey
Monoslideshow is a Flash® slideshow to view your images in a web page. It can be placed on every website, in whatever size you want and filled with whatever content you like. It's designed for maximum flexibility, whether you want to have a professional looking portfolio, or a simple image rotator on your website.

Effets d'images flash

by jingnan
Plusieurs types de galerie, des effets sur les images


Album photos de Bulgarie

by hervebg
Album photos de Bulgarie ouvert a tous. Ajouter des photos perso de Bulgarie... Notation et commentaires possibles des photos. photos classes par regions et theme

Image Link

by temps
loupe qui s'affiche sur image lors du survol


BloggerSnap -

by zagtag & 1 other
Free webcam tool for blogs and websites

ThickBox 2.1.1

by temps & 61 others (via)
équivalent de lightbox, Thickbox, basé sur la librairie JQuery, peut-être moins lourd pour le navigateur

Conception avancée d'une galerie d'images générée à la volée - utilisation d'un système de templates - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

by titoumimi
Suite au premier article de la série, "Exemple de conception d'une galerie d'images générée à la volée", nous allons voir comment adapter le code afin d'optimiser le fonctionnement de l'application en utilisant les templates (dans cet exemple, nous utiliserons le moteur Smarty).

Conception d'une galerie d'images générée à la volée - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

by titoumimi
Comment construire une application capable de lister toutes les images (gif, jpg, png) d'un répertoire (et de ses sous-répertoires), de générer des miniatures de ces images si elles n'existent pas encore, puis d'afficher les miniatures avec un lien sur l'image originale.

scott evans :: applejuice

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
Applejuice is a free web-based photo gallery. Its user interface is simple and uncluttered, to give your photos center stage. Applejuice galleries can be created directly from Picasa, or by hand.

JonDesign's (Javascript) SmoothGallery: Mootools Mojo for Images | What is it ?

by nhoizey & 11 others
Using mootools v1.0, this javascript gallery and slideshow system allows you to have simple and smooth (cross-fading...) image galleries, slideshows, showcases and other cool stuff on your website...


Lightbox JS

by parmentierf & 91 others (via)
Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.

Max Kiesler - Downloadable AJAX Galleries, Slideshows and Effects

by [email protected] & 26 others (via)
Until recently many of the most visually stunning and functional image galleries, slideshows, and effects were done through Flash. With the advent of AJAX many developers are taking another look at javascript and are producing some very amazing functionality in these areas.

Max Kiesler - Downloadable AJAX Galleries, Slideshows and Effects

by nhoizey & 26 others (via)
Until recently many of the most visually stunning and functional image galleries, slideshows, and effects were done through Flash. With the advent of AJAX many developers are taking another look at javascript and are producing some very amazing functionality in these areas.

Active users

last mark : 28/10/2011 09:56

last mark : 12/06/2009 14:41

last mark : 23/05/2009 10:48

last mark : 04/03/2009 13:09

last mark : 21/11/2008 10:50

last mark : 18/03/2008 08:07

last mark : 18/02/2008 22:02

last mark : 05/02/2008 09:41

last mark : 01/02/2007 07:53

last mark : 12/01/2007 12:33

last mark : 30/03/2006 13:34

last mark : 30/03/2006 13:10

[email protected]
last mark : 09/03/2006 23:51