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PUBLIC MARKS with tags game & console


Association MO5.COM : Expositions, musée, histoire de l'informatique et des jeux vidéo

by cyborgjeff & 1 other
Depuis plus de 10 ans, les collectionneurs fondateurs de l'association MO5.COM ont assemblé une des plus grandes collections d'Europe, dédiée à l'histoire de l'informatique et des jeux vidéo. Ils la font vivre au travers d'expositions interactives ouvertes au public tout en préparant son avenir dans un futur musée.


Halo 3 Recores More Than $300 Million in First-Week Sales

by egoroff
Microsoft says that Halo 3 has officially become a global phenomenon, garnering more than $300 million in sales in the first week alone. The critically acclaimed Xbox 360 exclusive, which was released in Europe on Wednesday 26th September, is the fastest-selling video game ever and already one of the most successful entertainment properties in history.Initial reports from retailers worldwide show console sales have more than doubled compared with the weekly average before the launch of Halo 3. With games like Halo 3, BioShock, Mass Effect and Project Gotham Racing 4, Xbox 360 has the greatest line-up in the history of video games and the only console where consumers can play all of the year amp;

Nintendo Wii Game Cheats

by Dimma
Previously codenamed as Revolution, Nintendo Wii has taken the world of consoles by storm because of its popular games—and the accessibility of gaming cheats

How to Connect Your Wii to the Internet

by Dimma
The unit can connect to the Internet by utilizing its 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, which is built in, for wireless connections or via a USB-to-Ethernet adaptor for DSL connections.

Playstation Portable PSP de Sony

by stoff
Toute l'actualité de la playstation portable mis à jour tous les jours


The Next Leap in Video Games Made by Nintendo

by Antauri
Like all big names, Nintendo started small. In 1889, Fusajiro Yamauchi, the great grandfather of today’s Nintendo president, founded Nintendo Koppai, to sell his special playing cards called "Hanafunda". Starting from 1969, Nintendo Co. Ltd., under the rule of the current president, began to produce toys and games. As the years passed, Nintendo grew bigger and bigger. Also, it started developing different games and platforms for them to run on. Some of these are the Game Boy, Nintendo 64, Visual Boy, Super Game Boy, Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Pokemon and many others. Now that video games look more real, Nintendo wants to make them feel as real. In order to do so, Nintendo unveiled the next leap in video games with its upcoming Wii home console. This new console will allow users to manipulate the actions of the video game character.

Lego Star Wars Sequel To Exploit Original Trilogy

by Antauri
LucasArts is a video game developer and publisher. The company was famous for its line of point-and-click adventure games and today mainly produces games based on the Star Wars franchise.


23 eerie parallels between Xbox 360 and the Sega Dreamcast.

by jackysee
竟然有如此多的相似地方,莫非 Marketing 是同一組人做的?

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