January 2006
The Ludologist » Blog Archive » When, Where, do People play What Games using Which Device?
by bcpbcpThe BBC has just released a really good in-depth report on how people game in Britain.
Pesquisa diz que 35% dos pais jogam games - 27/01/2006 - UOL Jogos
by bcpbcpDe acordo com um estudo da ESA (The Entertainment Software Association), 35% dos pais jogam computador e videogames. Destes, 80% jogam com junto com os filhos e dois terços dizem que jogar em família aproxima a convivência entre todos.
Lost Garden: Idly gathered game industry statistics of doom
by bcpbcpWithout further ado let’s look at today’s game industry numbers
Xinhua - English | China has 26.34m subscribers paying for the online games legend
by bcpbcp (via)Grande parte dos jogadores entre 19 e 25...
Terra Nova: The Numbers Game
by bcpbcpThere’s been an interesting backchannel discussion between several TN folks about the numbers of people in various online worlds. Or at least, the numbers publicly claimed and what they might mean.
October 2005
IGDA - Demographics Report
by bcpbcpThe first of its kind, "Game Developer Demographics: An Exploration of Workforce Diversity" answers the question, “who makes games?” by examining the demographic makeup of the development community. Nearly 6500 people participated in the survey, answering a series of questions pertaining to age, race, sexual orientation and education among other variables.
Folha Online - Informática - Venda de videogames cai 20% em setembro nos EUA - 10/10/2005
by bcpbcpVenda de videogames cai 20% em setembro nos EUAda Folha OnlineA venda de consoles de videogame deve apresentar queda de 20% em setembro, nos Estados Unidos, se comparada ao mesmo m�s do ano anterior.
(7 marks)