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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "getting things done" & "open source"

June 2007


by jpcaruana & 16 others (via)
Tracks is a web-based application to help you implement David Allen’s Getting Things Done™ methodology. It was built using Ruby on Rails, and comes with a built-in webserver (WEBrick), so that you can run it on your own computer if you like. It can be run on any platform on which Ruby can be installed, including Mac OS X, Windows XP and Linux. Tracks is Open Source, free and licensed under the GNU GPL

GTDInbox :: Modules pour Firefox

by jpcaruana (via)
GTDInbox (formerly GTDGmail) discreetly integrates into Gmail making it even more suitable as a GTD tool. GTD - Getting Things Done - is a simple and effective productivity concept: designed so that even the laziest and most scattered of people can be organised and stress free.

March 2007

GTDInbox - The Firefox Extension that Combines Gmail with Getting Things Done - home

by jpcaruana & 16 others (via)
GTDInbox is a Firefox extension that integrates the highly effective methodology of "Getting Things Done" into the popular email service Gmail.


by jpcaruana & 5 others (via)
Thinking Rock is a free software application for collecting and processing your thoughts following the GTD methodology. It is simple and easy to use

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "getting things done"

applescript +   apps +   david allen +   gtd +   mac +   next action +   osx +   productivity +   todo +  

Active users

last mark : 22/06/2007 14:01