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PUBLIC MARKS with tags google & architecture




Protocol Reference - Google Data APIs - Google Code

by holyver
This document describes the protocol used by the Google Data APIs, including information about what a query looks like, what results look like, and so on.

Google Data APIs - Google Code

by holyver (via)
The Google Data APIs provide a simple standard protocol for reading and writing data on the web. These REST-style APIs are based on the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub), using the standard Atom syndication format to represent data and HTTP to handle communication. The Google Data API protocol also extends AtomPub for processing queries, authentication, batch requests, and providing alternate output formats (JSON, RSS). Many Google services support the Google Data API protocol

Google Data APIs Overview - Google Data APIs - Google Code

by holyver
The Google Data APIs provide a simple standard protocol for reading and writing data on the web. The Data APIs use either of two standard XML-based syndication formats: Atom or RSS. They also have a feed-publishing system that consists of the Atom publishing protocol plus some extensions (using Atom's standard extension model) for handling queries.


Google : un mystère fascinant et bien gardé

by holyver (via)
L’infrastructure utilisée par le géant de la recherche Google est un mystère que beaucoup aimeraient percer, que ce soit les concurrents ou les utilisateurs étonnés de la réactivité sans faille des services malgré un nombre d’utilisateurs record.

Google Architecture | High Scalability

by holyver & 1 other (via)
Google is the King of scalability. Everyone knows Google for their large, sophisticated, and fast searching, but they don't just shine in search. Their platform approach to building scalable applications allows them to roll out internet scale applications at an alarmingly high competition crushing rate. Their goal is always to build a higher performing higher scaling infrastructure to support their products. How do they do that?


Google - SketchUp

by Nissone
Gamme des produits SketchUp Que vous souhaitiez concevoir la maison de vos rêves, le plus haut gratte-ciel du monde ou tout simplement une terrasse, SketchUp facilite la visualisation et la communication de vos idées de conception. Fonctions de SketchUp: -- Cliquez sur une forme puis, tout simplement, poussez-la ou tirez-la pour créer la géométrie 3D de votre choix. -- Vous pouvez directement modifier la couleur et la texture de votre modèle. -- Lors de la création du modèle, vous pouvez projeter une ombre en temps réel pour savoir exactement où tombe le soleil. -- Sections interactives. -- Rendu sous forme de croquis. -- Ajout de cotations et d’annotations.


Peeking Into Google

by dcancel & 3 others
The key to the speed and reliability of Google search is cutting up data into chunks, its top engineer said. Urs Hoelzle, Google vice president of operations and vice president of engineering, offered a rare behind-the-scenes tour of Google's architecture


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