public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags google & facebook



Add Anti-Tracking Tools « Anti-tracking

by gregg & 2 others
To avoid advertisement tracking, you need AdBlock Plus. It's an extension for your Web browser. You can subscribe to lists and create filters to get rid of ads on the Web. We recommend you the EasyPrivacy list. Now, to get rid of Facebook and Google Analytics tracking you should subscribe to the list below. It will block unsolicited requests – such as Facebook's "Like" buttons — when you are reading web pages outside

Du droit à violer la vie privée des internautes au foyer

by dzc & 1 other
Les sites web que vous visitez, les recherches que vous faites sur Google, une bonne partie de ce que vous partagez sur Facebook en particulier, et l’Internet en général, sont des données personnelles qui relèvent de votre vie privée.


RSS Bandit

by jdrsantos
The only RSS reader that works with Google Reader and Facebook


Google Indexes Facebook Comments on Websites

by srcmax
This was later confirmed by Matt Cutts - "Googlebot keeps getting smarter. Now has the ability to execute AJAX/JavaScript to index some dynamic comments." Googlebots, or the spiders that crawl web pages, are now reading Facebook comments on websites just like any other text content and the more interesting part is that you can also search the text of these comments using regular Google search.


El club de la Noticia Plugin Worpress

by walo
This plugin adds an icon to share news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons.

Google exploite Twitter et Facebook pour le référencement naturel

by srcmax
Avec l'influence croissante des réseaux sociaux sur le web, les moteurs de recherche doivent adapter leur algorithme pour tenir compte de cette évolution. Nous avons aujourd'hui la confirmation que parmi les fameux critères pris en compte figurent désormais des éléments issus de Twitter et Facebook. Comment votre compte Twitter, votre page Facebook et le reste de votre activité sociale sur le web peuvent vous aider au référencement naturel Google ou Bing ? Voici des éléments de réponse...


by 84GHz & 4 others
Suchmaschine mit echten Menschen dahinter. Verbindung via Facebook oder Google. Auf dem Weg zum Weltgehirn.

WordPress › el-club-de-la-noticia « WordPress Plugins

by walo
Adds an icon to share [El club de la Noticia]( news and social networking icons at the end of a post for readers to share. This plugin adds an icon to share news and social networking icons at the end of a post so that readers can share arts. compatible with small and large icons.

Rechercher du contenu dans vos appilcations / Services Web

by Giraultises & 3 others (via)
Greplin est un moteur de recherche qui vous permettra de rechercher du contenu dans vos services Web comme Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Box, Linkedin, ... Bref une jolie initiative pour retrouver plus facilement ce que l'on a déjà vu.

Former Facebook CTO: ‘Google Me’ Is Real, And It’s Gunning For Facebook

by srcmax
<blockquote> <p>Yesterday, Digg CEO Kevin Rose tweeted that he’d heard a “huge rumor” that Google was planning to launch a Facebook competitor called “Google Me”, sparking off a wave of speculative reports (Rose has since removed the tweet). Now Adam D’Angelo, who was Facebook’s CTO for years and is now founder of hot Q&A service Quora, is weighing in with more details. And from what he’s hearing, Google Me is indeed very real, and it’s gunning for Facebook.</p> </blockquote>

Open vs. Fast, Good vs. Evil, Google vs. Facebook « hueniverse

by kasi77 & 1 other
the silence and disengagement coming from the Google team over the past six months is a real cause for concern

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag google

caffeine +   mayday +   public + +  

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