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📛 SÉCURITÉ - - l'arnaque à la webcam piratée revient avec le confinement - Comment Ça Marche

by decembre est une plateforme en ligne mise en place par le groupement d'intérêt public (GIP) Acyma (Action contre la cybermalveillance), qui regroupe des membres tels que l'Afnic, l'UFC-Que Choisir, le Clusif, La Poste, Orange, Bouygues Telecom et Google – parmi d'autres acteurs – mais aussi plusieurs ministères. Son tôle principal consiste à informer les utilisateurs – particuliers comme professionnels ou associatifs – des dangers liés à l'usage du numérique en général et d'Internet en particulier. Outre son site Web sur lequel on trouve de précieux conseils pratiques, Cybermalveillance offre deux services téléphoniques : – Info Escroqueries, au 0 805 805 817 (appel gratuit) du lundi au vendredi de 9 h 00 à 18 h 30 (service du ministère de l’Intérieur). – Net Écoute, au 0 800 200 000 (appel gratuit), du lundi au vendredi de 9 h 00 à 19 h 00, ligne d’écoute nationale anonyme et confidentielle destinée aux internautes confrontés à des problèmes dans leurs usages numériques.


NSA uses Google cookies to pinpoint targets for hacking - The Washington Post

by sbrothier (via)
The National Security Agency is secretly piggybacking on the tools that enable Internet advertisers to track consumers, using "cookies" and location data to pinpoint targets for government hacking and to bolster surveillance.



good coders code, great reuse

by pkrumins
Peteris Krumins' blog about programming, hacking, software reuse, software ideas, computer security, google and technology.


How can I check the password of the IUSR and IWAM local accounts on a machine?

by brianwaustin (via)
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skipfish - Project Hosting on Google Code

by Xavier Lacot
A fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool. It creates a html reports which might prove useful for detecting security flaws or conception problems.

Operation Aurora

by marco
Operation Aurora was a cyber attack conducted in mid-December 2009 and continuing into early January 2010.

Internet Survival Guide for Traveling Where Privacy Isn't Respected - Google - Lifehacker

by ghis
Two things have really changed the face of independent backpacker travel in the last decade: digital cameras and—even more so—the internet. While some people can afford the luxury of traveling with a laptop or even a netbook, a real backpacker doesn't want to have to carry the extra weight nor the responsibility of carrying expensive equipment that would be difficult to lug around, relatively easy to steal, and expensive to replace.


by kemar
"You're No One If You're Not On Twitter" chanson sur twitter à écouter absolument ! [from]

google-caja - Project Hosting on Google Code

by julie & 5 others
Caja (pronounced "KA-ha") allows you to put untrusted third-party HTML and JavaScript inline in your page and still be secure.

Scroogle Scraper

by ycc2106
For Scroogle, SSL is used to hide your search terms. Your IP address is dropped before your search terms are sent to Google. In case of "employer spyware" packages such as Websense. If you use Wi-Fi and you haven't set up your router for secure operation, or in some countries, the government could be monitoring your web activity.


ratproxy - Google Code

by kasi77 & 6 others
A semi-automated, largely passive web application security audit tool, optimized for an accurate and sensitive detection, and automatic annotation, of potential problems and security-relevant design patterns based on the observation of existing, user-initiated traffic in complex web 2.0 environments.

ratproxy - Google Code

by webs & 6 others
passive web application security assessment tool

by ycc2106 & 4 others is a "Neighborhood Watch" campaign aimed at fighting badware. We will seek to provide reliable, objective information about downloadable applications in order to help consumers to make better choices about what they download on to their co


google-caja - Google Code

by greut & 5 others

Using Caja, web apps can safely allow scripts in third party content.

How close is this from Douglas Crockford will of mashup platform?


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ad4u +   behavioral targeting +   contextual ads +   drecom +   interest match +   internet ads +   overture +   privacy +   rakuten +   street view +   yahoo! japan +  

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