January 2009
June 2008
September 2007
eWord Game
by knannCompanion to textbook Houghton Mifflin Spelling and Vocabulary but still useful for grades 1-6. Hover over the word or definition to hear it read aloud.
August 2007
Monarch Watch
by knann (via):Dedicated to Education, Conservation and Research
Great site for the study of monarch butterflies.
February 2007
Time for Kids
by knann & 1 otherCurrent news articles for grades k-1, 2-3, 4-7. Use with Clicker 5 or WordTalk for text to spech. Find the article, click the Print button. A new, plain web page will appear. Copy and paste directly into Word or a new Clicker document.
December 2005
NCTM : Illuminations Lessons
by knannInteractive Math tools for grades for K-12. Accompanied by lesson plans and NCTM standards
(6 marks)