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Japanese Swords - SamuraiWiki

by Takwann
Contents: * 1 Early History * 2 History of the Japanese sword in relation to Japanese historical periods o 2.1 Heian Era (794-1184) o 2.2 Kamakura Era (1184-1333) + 2.2.1 Early Kamakura (1184-1231) + 2.2.2 Middle Kamakura (1232 - 1287) + 2.2.3 Late Kamakura (1288 -1333) o 2.3 Nambokucho Era (1334-1393) o 2.4 Muromachi Era (1394-1595) + 2.4.1 Early Muromachi (1394-1466) + 2.4.2 Middle Muromachi (1467-1554) + 2.4.3 Late Muromachi (1555-1595) o 2.5 Edo Era + 2.5.1 Keigen-Shinto period (1596 - 1623) + 2.5.2 Kanbun-Shinto period (1658 -1683) + 2.5.3 Genroku-Shinto period (1684 -1763) + 2.5.4 First Half of Shinshinto (1764 - 1829) + 2.5.5 Latter half of Shinshinto (1830 - 1868) * 3 The Modern Era o 3.1 Post-WWII * 4 References


Samurai Archives Wiki

by Takwann
The Samurai Archives Wiki project is an attempt to create the most concise and detailed database of pre-20th century Japanese history on the internet. Although the SamuraiWiki is hosted on the Samurai Archives, this is a general resource intended for everyone interested in Japanese history. This wiki is in no way affiliated with Wikipedia.


YouTube - Discovery Channel- The Samurai Sword Part 1

by Takwann
This is a brief documentation of japanese sword making and histroy of the Katana brought to you by the dicovery channel program descive weapons.



OpenHistory Home Page

by ycc2106
OpenHistory is a website dedicated to providing an open, free encyclopedia and text of Japanese history

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