public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags history & usability

March 2007

December 2006

Proceedings of the Athanasius Kircher Society

by jlesage & 2 others
"Our interests extend to the wondrous, the curious, the singular, the esoteric, the arcane, and the sometimes hazy frontier between the plausible and the implausible." a whacky collection

Gene Pool

by jlesage & 2 others
a science game: "a virtual Darwinian aquarium .. you initiate a primordial soup, and .. check up on what Virtual Mother Nature is up to - about every 15 min. (or every few days)"

November 2006

Design Observer: writings about design & culture

by jlesage & 1 other
very well written blog; as I have commented before, knowing about space and place is crucial for thoughtful mediamakers

October 2006

Anxious Libraries

by jlesage
wonderfully designed hypertext project on what libraries might mean today, with all those books few people read; a model of a hypertext exploration of an important intellectual topic

November 2005

July 2005

GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery

by Hydragon
Welcome to guidebook, a website dedicated to preserving and showcasing Graphical User Interfaces, as well as various materials related to them.

Active users

last mark : 28/03/2007 08:49

last mark : 01/12/2006 19:31

last mark : 29/11/2005 02:17

last mark : 24/07/2005 06:46