February 2007
Pages tagged with "system:filetype:mp3" on del.icio.us
by sanosshttp://del.icio.us/tag/system:filetype:mp3
January 2007
December 2006
Most Popular Posts from Quick Online Tips
by jlesage & 1 otherkept updated, an important factor in Interent software hints; I use these often
November 2006
Advanced tutorial: del.icio.us and knowledge discovery
by jlesagehow to use this site in the most efficient way
July 2006
Reinventing the Pitch Letter with Delicious
by bluexmassUsing del.icio.us' network feature, Ozgur has developed a hack to send messages people you want to connect with, even if you don't know their email address. Basically, you find the del.icio.us ID of the person or people you want to send message to, you ad
Marshall Kirkpatrick » How to find good blogs on almost any topic
by jlesage & 2 othersthreading your way if there is too much information or too much noise
June 2006
The Several Habits of Wildly Successful del.icio.us Users � Slacker Manager
by jlesage & 24 othersparticularly useful is the explanation of how to use the Inbox on del.ici.ous, which I did not know before
by jlesage & 113 otherssome of these features now incorporated into del.ici.ous itself
(12 marks)