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PUBLIC MARKS with tags hslc & eslc

July 2008

Ghotit Dyslexia Literacy Assistance.

by knann
Ghotit offers unique writing and reading online services for people who suffer from dyslexia, dysgraphia or people who are not native-English speakers. Download the Internet Explorer plugin with text to speech capability.

NCIP Voice Recognition

by knann
A good overview of the use of voice recognition to support learners. Although somewhat dated, this site is helpful for background info for Special Educators considering Voice Recognition for a given student.

March 2008 - Easy Read Books and formats, Large Print Books and formats, Biographies

by knann
► We markup books quickly and cost effectively into XML from PDF, HTML, scanned images and other electronic formats ► We automatically generate a large number of different formats from this XML file: Standard print, Large print, Specialized print, Braille, DAISY, Audio books and e-Books To give people with reading disabilities access to information in books in the formats of their choice at an affordable price as soon as the book is published

Read The Words

by knann & 6 others, 1 comment
Upload Adobe PDF Upload MS Word Upload HTML File Write Text Content Cut and Past Text Input Website Address Input RSS Feeds URL Step 2 - Select a Reader Listen to our Reader’s samples Choose 1 of 14 Different Readers Our Readers Speak English, Spanish, and French Each Reader has a Unique Voice and Some Have Accents Control your Reader’s Speed Play with your Reader’s Pitch It takes our readers approx 1 minute to generate a 1 hr long recording Step 3 - Sit Back and Listen Listen to your reading online Download your reading to your ipod or other mp3 player Broadcast your reading as a podcast and share it Post your reading in your Website or Blog Save yourself Time Turn the readers of your blog into listeners Allow your readers to listen while they multi-task and download your blog

December 2007

Interactive multimedia for social skills, understanding feelings, relaxation and coping strategies, etc.

by knann
Here are some interactive applications and games that focus on social skills, coping skills, feelings, stress management, relaxation, communication, attention, or study skills. Multimedia applications present students with experiences that address a variety of modes of learning, communication, and thinking. This can be helpful with students who have more difficulty with traditional word-based counseling techniques. The links with an asterisk (*) have online demos or offer the content on-line. Click on the links to view on-line activities and information.

Welcome to Picture Planner

by knann
Picture Planner is an icon (picture) based scheduling system that assists individuals with disabilities in planning activities by the day, week, or month. Picture Planner uses synthesized speech to provide feedback and aid in accessibility.

Interactive Multimedia Technology: Updated MegaPost-Resources For All: Interactive Multimedia and Universal Design for Learning

by knann
new technologies have made their way into an increasing number of classrooms, and many educators are aware of efforts such as Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Response to Intervention or Instruction (RTI), as well as innovative technologies that provide engaged, interactive learning experiences for students. In this post, I've consolidated information and updated links and resources from some previous posts from my TechPsych and Interactive Multimedia Technology blogs. Although many of the resources cited in this post relate to K-12 education, some of the information is useful for instructional designers, school administrators, researchers, college/university educators, parents, and technologists who are interested in developing interactive multimedia applications for children and teens.

October 2007

by knann
Search Directory geared specifically to reading, Analyzing Text (12) new Audio and Text (18) Proofreading (4) Reading Comprehension Advanced (10) Reading Comprehension Beginner (14) Reading Comprehension Intermediate (19) Short Stories (11) Vocabulary (51)

June 2007

1 Stop for Free Assistive Technology

by knann (via)
If you know of an open source or otherwise free AT application that is not listed in our library, please let me know about it via e-mail. We would like to add it to this resource.

Software Tools for Text to Speech

by knann
The very nature of having texts in electronic form means that students can have access different types of “supports.” These supports might include, for example, live links to definitions, images, and additional information. Providing texts electronically also has implications for the way in which text is presented; for example, the font size can change, different background colors can be added, or texts might be restructured (e.g., parsed) to accommodate a reader's needs. All of these embedded supports can promote better understanding of what the author intended to communicate.

Technology for Differentiated Instruction

by knann
The primary purpose of this wiki is to collect and share resources that link computer and information technology with differentiated instruction. Please add and annotate links, fix or remove broken links, and add to annotations or descriptions based on your experiences.

May 2007

Differentiated Instruction

by knann (via)
Sites that help classroom teachers adjust their teaching process to their learners needs

March 2007

Misunderstood Minds | PBS

by knann
Companion site to the PBS special on learning differences and disabilities. Has activities to simulate the challenges students face in the areas of attention, reading, writing, and mathematics.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag hslc

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last mark : 20/07/2008 09:03