January 2007
December 2006
"Frozen Niki", Olia Liliana et Dragan Espenschied
by schmul.netNicolaj Osinin, va passer les 20 prochaines années cryogénisé pour les besoins d'une mission spaciale. Les ondes émanant de son cerveau glacé seront captées publiées au fil des jours sur son blog.
October 2005
Extending AJAX with the Flash/JavaScript Integration Kit
by bcpbcp & 1 otherWant more control over the user experience? Because Flash makes graphical programming quick, easy, and attractive, and because JavaScript is very effective at manipulating HTML, they can be leveraged to focus on their strengths. Kris Hadlock shows you how to extend AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) by cross-communicating between Flash and JavaScript. Discover how this technique enables technologies to focus on specialized tasks, and helps create the ultimate user experience.
Suckerfish Dropdowns - HTML Dog
by bcpbcp & 15 othersThe original Suckerfish Dropdowns article published in A List Apart proved to be a popular way of implementing lightweight, accessible CSS-based dropdown menus that accommodated Internet Explorer by mimicking the :hover pseudo-class.
Semantic (X)HTML Markup: Using Tables Appropriately
by bcpbcpThis is the seventh article in the Semantic (X)HTML Markup series.
(12 marks)