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PUBLIC MARKS with tags http & ajax



Google Code Blog: How we improved performance on Google Code

by nhoizey
If you're a frequent visitor to for product updates and reference materials for Google APIs you're working with, you might have noticed that the page loading time (or page rendering time depending on how you see it) has reduced in varying


Ext FileTree Widget Example by Saki

by camel & 2 others
FileTreePanel is client-server application where client (browser) provides the user interface (UI) which displays the tree and context menu, handles drag & drop operations, etc. The filesystem that is displayed and managed by the UI is stored on a server. Therefore, we need some communication layer between client and server. Client sends a command to server, server processes this command and responds with a result. Client in turn processes the response and display results. All this communication is running in the background by Ajax (XMLHttpRequest) calls. The XMLHttpRequest is not used directly but the Ext JS - JavaScript Library ajax layer is used for this purpose. Client requests data from server with standard POST method and server is expected to respond with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string and appropriate HTTP headers.


Christophe Porteneuve (INSIA) : "Le couple JavaScript/Ajax est une alternative souvent viable à ActionScript"

by astrochoupe & 3 others
Réflexion sur le Web2. Avec plein de liens vers des outils et du code existants. Les bonnes pratiques pour coder sur le Web Le secret, c'est d'adopter une approche "progressive enhancement" [ndlr amélioration progressive], comme l'appelle Jeremy Keith, en gros, du bottom-up [ndlr de bas en haut] : on commence par une page XHTML Strict sémantique sans aucun style, histoire d'assurer un bon contenu et une bonne accessibilité sans CSS, ou avec des lecteurs d'écran, etc. On ajoute les styles correctement. On gère toute l'interaction client/serveur sans aucun AJAX. On ajoute le JS en "unobstrusive" [ndlr non obstrusif]... Et enfin, on redirige les envois GET/POST usuels vers de l'AJAX quand c'est pertinent, toujours en "unobstrusive". Mon bouquin parle longuement de toutes ces pratiques, dans les chapitres idoines (2 pour JS, 3 pour les événements et le DOM, 6/7 pour AJAX, les effets visuels, le glisser/déplacer, l'ergonomie, etc)..

An IE AJAX gotcha: page caching | GreenAsh

by marco & 3 others
It appears that IE is prone to malfunctioning, unless a document accessed through AJAX has its HTTP header set to disallow caching. Beware!

Internet Explorer and AJAX image caching woes

by mauriz & 1 other
Problèmes d'Internet Explorer à utiliser son cache


AJAX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by Cyclope & 12 others
A very interesting synthesis about the new generation web application, relying about HTML/CSS, Javascript/DOM, and XML/HTTP. AJAX stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML"

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