February 2006
Iraq's death squads: On the brink of civil war
by mikepower Most of the corpses in Baghdad's mortuary show signs of torture and execution. And the Interior Ministry is being blamed.
The New Yorker: The Memo by Jane Mayer
by mikepowerHow an internal effort to ban the abuse and torture of detainees was thwarted.
village voice > news > Mondo Washington by James Ridgeway
by mikepowersince 9-11, in one test after another, news organizations using undercover teams have easily broken through the FAA security apparatus, rendering the entire business unworkable.
January 2006
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Israel's shooting of young girl highlights international hypocrisy, say Palestinians
by mikepowerIsraeli soldiers killed twice as many Palestinians last week alone - both of them children - as the number of Israelis killed by Hamas all last year.
Gag Reflex
by mikepowerIf President George W. Bush shows no qualms about violating the 217-year-old U.S. Constitution or the 791-year-old Magna Carta, why should we be surprised to find that he is now violating the 2,400-year-old Hippocratic Oath?
Observer | Scandal of force-fed prisoners
by mikepowerNew details have emerged of how the growing number of prisoners on hunger strike at Guantánamo Bay are being tied down and force-fed through tubes pushed down their nasal passages into their stomachs to keep them alive. They routinely experience bleedin
January 2005
War Created Haven, CIA Advisers Report
by mikepowerIraq has replaced Afghanistan as the training ground for the next generation of "professionalized" terrorists, according to a report released yesterday by the National Intelligence Council, the CIA director's think tank.
Special reports: Bush under fire over human rights
by mikepowerAmerica's human rights abuses have provided a rallying cry for terrorists and set a bad example to regimes seeking to justify their own poor rights records, a leading independent watchdog said yesterday.
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