Watch a video of people watching a VR porn video - Boing Boing
by sbrothierHere's a video of people wearing the Oculus Rift VR goggles and watching 3D VR porn. Language is NSFW.
Trojan Games
by sbrothierTrès très fort, les jeux olympique du cul organisés par une marque de préservatifs, les videos sont assez réussies.
What every woman should know about internet porn
by sbrothier & 1 other, 1 commentAs I’ve spent the last three nights sleeping on the couch I feel a need to try to help my fellow man by providing some useful information to the women of the world. The truth is nearly every man alive looks at porn, and with the internet making porn free, easily accessible, and anonymous, I've never even heard a rumor of a guy who doesn't REGULARLY look at internet porn. If for some reason you don’t think your fella does, your relationship might not be as open and honest as you think.
Details: Orgasm or Excellent Marinara?
by sbrothierOrgasm or excellent marinara? Can you tell the difference between the faces of Food Network celebrities and porn stars? Might be a little NSFW depending on where you W.
Manuel de Civilité - Pierre-Félix Louys
by sbrothier & 1 other, 3 commentsNous avons jugé inutile d’expliquer les mots: con, fente, moniche, motte, pine, queue, bitte, couille, foutre (verbe), foutre (subs.), bander, branler, sucer, lécher, pomper, baiser, piner, enfiler, enconer, enculer, décharger, godmiché, gougnotte, gousse, soixante-neuf, minette, mimi, putain, bordel. Ces mots sont familiers à toutes les petites filles.
Sexual Moments in Video Game History
by sbrothier & 1 otherVideo Games and Sex. In recent years, it seems like the two have been going together like peanut butter and jelly. Grape jelly. With recent titles such as "Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball" and "BMX XXX"
Unintentionally sexual comic book covers: Part 1.
by sbrothier & 2 others (via)I was going through a stash of old comic books the other day, when I came across several that seemed a bit odd; not in the sense that the comics were strange or unique, but rather, because beneath the seemingly innocent veil of child-like artwork was a subtle nod towards debauchery. The artists who created these covers probably never meant for them to to be used as spank fodder, but being the mean-spirited, immature, asshole that I am, I've decided to do the only thing that a grown adult would do: point out juvenile observations of unintentionally sexual acts on comic book covers.
by sbrothier & 4 othersThe game designers across the nation are playing is; can they design a logo and get it approved without the client realising it's a big spurting penis?
Cannes Lions 2005 | Tok&Stok / Kamasutra
by sbrothier (via)Select an offer and just watch the suggestions of use
(20 marks)