jQuery maphilight documentation
by nhoizey"maphilight applies to images with a 'usemap' attribute, and outlines the areas defined in their map on mouseover."
Google Map Custom Marker Maker
by nhoizey & 2 others"To create your own custom marker, simply upload an image. A zip file containing the 6 separate images and some sample code (including the image map area coordinates) is created and made available for download."
Pixastic: JavaScript Image Processing Library
by nhoizeyPixastic is an experimental library which allows you to perform a variety of operations on images using just a bit of JavaScript. The effects supported out of the box include desaturation/greyscale, invert, flipping, brightness/contrast adjustment, hue/saturation, emboss, blur, and many more.
Dynamic Dummy Image Generator - DummyImage.com
by nhoizey & 4 others"This is a simple tool for generating dummy/filler images on the fly at whatever size you want."
Du texte mouvant qui habille une image fixe
by nhoizeyExcellente utilisation conjointe de SPIP et jQuery pour « faire circuler le texte autour d’une image (en jargon typographique : "habiller l’image avec le texte"), cette image étant fixe dans la page, et le texte conservant ses possibilités de déplacement vertical »
ImageOptim - a PNG/JPEG graphics optimizer for Mac OS X
by nhoizey & 2 others"ImageOptim is a front-end (GUI) for set of tools for optimisation of PNG/JPEG images and GIF animations. Optimisation makes files smaller (in terms of disk space) by finding optimal compression parameters and by removing unneccessary information, like file comments, EXIF tags and color profiles."
Why do we have an IMG element?
by nhoizey & 1 other"Why an <img> element? Quite simply, because Marc Andreessen shipped one, and shipping code wins."
google-maps-icons - Project Hosting on Google Code
by nhoizey"Map icons collection is a pack of 600 free icons for your placemarks. You can put them manually in your Google Maps with the "My maps" feature, or automaticly with the Google Maps API. "
mir.aculo.us with Thomas Fuchs » Blog Archive » textorize: Pristine Font rendering for the Web
by nhoizey"We all want really nice looking web typography, and there’s a ton of solutions out there. Here’s mine. I’ve to warn you, it’s very lo-tech. It’s done with images. But with really nice ones."
punypng - PNG Image Optimization and Compression - Gracepoint After Five
by nhoizey & 7 otherspunypng is a free optimization service that can dramatically reduce the file size of an image by converting it into a highly-compressed, lossless PNG image. Whether you have a GIF, JPEG or PNG, use punypng for outrageously fast page loads and help make the web more puny!
De plus belles images redimensionnées côté client dans IE7
by nhoizey & 1 otherSi vraiment vous n'êtes pas capable de redimensionner vos images côté serveur pour ne pas surcharger inutilement le réseau, voilà qui sauvera l'apparence dans IE7.
Sveinbjorn Thordarson's Website - Using Data URLs Effectively with Cascading Style Sheets
by nhoizeyData URLs are a clever way of embedding images in HTML. Instead of linking to an image stored locally on the server, the image is provided within the URL itself as a base64-encoded string of data preceded by a mime-type. In this article I discuss how Data URLs can be effectively used to optimize website loading times and performance.
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