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PUBLIC MARKS with tags image & tool


🛠 🖼 LOGICIEL - Real ESRGAN – Améliorez la qualité de vos photos

by decembre
Ça s’appelle Real ESRGAN et comme son nom l’indique, ça utilise du deep learning / apprentissage pour restaurer des images. L’outil est en python et peut-être utilisé sur Google Colab mais également en ligne de commande sous Windows / Linux et macOS. Pour l’utiliser, rien de plus simple. Il suffit d’appeler le soft avec le paramètre -i (pour input) et d’indiquer l’image source, suivie du paramètre -o (output) suivi du nom de fichier sous lequel vous voulez enregistrer la version améliorée. Pas besoin de CUDA ou de PyTorch, ça fonctionnera directement J’ai testé sur un logo YouTube tout pixelisé et comme vous pouvez le voir, le résultat est vraiment bluffant.


🛠 ONLINE TOOL - Photopea, une vraie alternative gratuite à Photoshop dans votre navigateur |

by decembre
Tout comme sur Photoshop, vous pouvez partir de zéro et créer une image ou ouvrir un fichier présent sur votre ordinateur. La force de cet outil, c’est qu’il fonctionne avec les formats de la plupart des logiciels de référence (Photoshop, GIMP, Sketch App, Adobe XD et CorelDRAW). Vos fichiers peuvent ensuite être sauvegardés au format JPG, PNG, SVG ou même PSD ! Les outils sont nombreux et l’on retrouve même la plupart des filtres disponibles sur Photoshop… Moi qui utilise (très mal) Photoshop, j’ai vraiment eu l’impression de me retrouver sur un outil très très proche. Editer un fichier PSD avec Photopea La bonne nouvelle, c’est que Photopea est vraiment une alternative gratuite et en ligne à Photoshop. En effet, cet outil est capable d’ouvrir les fichiers natifs de Photoshop, les fichiers PSD. Les différents calques sont bien visibles ce qui permet de travailler de manière efficace sur des fichiers issus du logiciel d’Adobe.

❤️ 🛠 BOKMARKLETS - ImgOps > Image Bookmarklets / Firefox Addon

by decembre
Useful bookmarklet apps for online photos. But seems not working... You can use (FireFox) which provide this tool too and many other - Fully Customisable: Image Search Options ImgOps : Our main bookmarklet app for image operations. Each operation is a free and instant online image app; no account required. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Choose from the list of images on that page; Choose a utility. The web utilities listed will include free online image editors, GIF editors, instant online photo hosting, Instagram-like filters, photo forensic tools, EXIF data, and several ways to search the web for information about an image. Enable Save: A bookmarklet app to help you save images or text. It disables all click-blockers on a web page so you can use the context menu, save images, or copy text. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Right-click on an image, or select text on the page; Copy or save. This handy tool is more powerful than similar click-enablers which enable right-click. It work on all frames and it disables all click handlers on all page elements. It might cause some web pages to stop working as expected, but reloading the effected page will return it to normal.



by 4004 & 1 other
A web app to make cubism-like images



Plupload - A tool for uploading files using Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 or Browserplus

by Spone & 4 others
Allows you to upload files using HTML5 Gears, Silverlight, Flash, BrowserPlus or normal forms, providing some unique features such as upload progress, image resizing and chunked uploads.



by ycc2106 & 1 other
CSS Sprites code generator. Generated CSS and images are compatible with most browsers


Image Optimization, Part 3: Four Steps to File Size Reduction » Yahoo! User Interface Blog

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
This post is about some common tools you can use to reduce the file size of your images. The idea is to be able to just take the images your designer has created and instead of using them “as is”, go ahead and tidy them up in short time and no effort, without even looking at them.

smush it!

by Xavier Lacot & 7 others
SmushIt is an online tool that optimizes images. A firefox extension is available, that allows to optimize all the images of one web page at one stretch.

Digital Face Beautification

by oqdbpo & 3 others
This sketch presents a novel method for digital face beautification: given a frontal photograph of a face (a portrait), our method automatically increases the predicted attractiveness rating of the face. The main challenge is to achieve this goal while introducing only minute, subtle modifications to the original image, such that the resulting “beautified” face maintains a strong, unmistakable similarity to the original, as demonstrated by the pair of faces shown in Figure 1. The effectiveness of the proposed method was experimentally validated by a group of test subjects who consistently rated the modified faces as more attractive than the original ones. Professional photographers have been retouching and deblemishing their subjects ever since the invention of photography. It may be safely assumed that any model that we encounter on a magazine cover today has been digitally manipulated by a skilled, talented retouching artist. Since the human face is arguably the most frequently photographed object on earth, a tool such as ours would be a useful and welcome addition to the ever-growing arsenal of image enhancement and retouching tools available in today’s digital image editing packages. The potential of such a tool for motion picture special effects and advertising is also quite obvious.

Color Hunter

by antoine & 13 others
create and find color palettes made from images



by oqdbpo
無償の「クセロReader ZERO」を使えば、画像をPDFに変換してOCRをかけ、テキストデータを抜き出すことができる。

YUI-based Image Cropper Widget

by Hieroglyphe & 1 other
a YUI-based image cropper widget that allows you to easily select which region of an image you’d like to crop


by jdrsantos
AcetoneISO: The CD/DVD image manipulator for Linux

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag image

color +   crop +   draw +   e-mail +   editor +   engine +   entreprise +   flickr +   generator +   gmail +   google +   ImageCropper +   imageuploader +   internet +   javascript +   labs +   metasearch engine +   mobile +   news +   photo +   profil +   search +   SearchEngine +   share +   similar +   snap +   société +   spam +   Twister +   video +   visual +   web2.0 +   wikipedia +   yahoo +   yui +  

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