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PUBLIC MARKS with tag indoor




by Krome & 1 other
Aéroports, centres commerciaux, grandes surfaces, entreprises, musées… des services géolocalisés pour mieux accueillir, guider ou divertir vos visiteurs. Insiteo est le premier opérateur de services géolocalisés indoor.


by Spone & 1 other
Aéroports, centres commerciaux, grandes surfaces, entreprises, musées… des services géolocalisés pour mieux accueillir, guider ou divertir vos visiteurs. Insiteo est le premier opérateur de services géolocalisés indoor.


suppose design office: house in kodaira

by 4004
The building is half covered with tarpaulin to blur the barrier between indoors and outdoors. bare soil is left in the living room space, to allow the owners to plant grass in the future. // A tarpaulin or tarp is a large sheet of strong, flexible, water-resistant or waterproof material, often cloth such as canvas or polyester coated with urethane, or made of plastics such as polyethylene.




Indoor Plant Gardening

by kromakirk
[...]cs gardening is the perfect solution for anybody who wants a garden, but does not have enough space or dirt. Hydroponics gardening is, simply put, a method of growing plants using a nutrient solution instead of dirt. With [...]Tags: Indoor Gard...

Indoor Gardening Container

by kromakirk
[...] There are no doubts about the benefits of using hydrogen peroxide properly in a hydroponics system. This becomes especially true if your nutrient reservoir is kept above 72 degrees. Warm water holds less dissolved oxygen, a[...]Tags: Indoor Gard...

Indoor Herbal Gardening

by kromakirk
[converted to Unicode] [...]s true that we spend most of our time, almost 80% of it, in indoor spaces. We?re used to worrying about the air outdoors. We complain about pollution, gas emissions and smog. However, indoor air can be more hazardous than out[.

Indoor Gardening Encyclopedia

by kromakirk
[...] If you love fresh spaghetti sauce or pesto, than you've just got to have fresh basil and other herbs all year round! Sure, a nice 1 X 4 window garden getting at least 4 or 5 hours of direct light [...]Tags: Indoor Gardening Indoor Gardening Ency...

LedLightRay : Glass Wall at Morimoto

by koibito
Each glass bottle is fitted with an LED light that renders the simple installation into a multi-media show

LedLightRay : Industrial Design Led Lamp

by koibito
Designed to project an image of solidity and robustness

LedLightRay : Lighted Slippers

by koibito
Now you can easily move handsfree around a darkened house reducing the risk of tripping over objects or running into doors, furniture or anything not easily seen in the dark.



by kaihsyn & 1 other

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last mark : 07/08/2005 18:50