March 2007
July 2006
资讯型广告 - KeyinWiki
by bluexmass资讯型广告通常伪装成一般的电视节目,例如脱口秀、综艺节目、益智节目、生活新知…等等,并重复在不同时段甚至不同频道播出,一般阅听人并无法在第一次或甚至多次观看後,察觉节目究
Infomercial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
by bluexmassInfomercials are television commercials that run as long as a typical television program (roughly thirty minutes or an hour). Infomercials, also known as paid programming (or teleshopping in Europe), are normally shown outside of peak hours, such as late
June 2006
As Seen On TV 4 You Blog
by tonystaiLook for New As Seen On TV product announcements and notice of As Seen On TV products that are expiring as well.
(4 marks)