08 December 2005
A new website - NEWSPAGE (beta)
by svartlingI have released a new website that I have been working on called "Newspage".
On Newspage you can create "News Pages" (News Radars) by filtering the content with keywords.
Every News Page created gets it's own RSS Feed, so you can easily subscribe to all the News Pages you create or find interesting.
All the content is aggregated from all kinds of feeds around the web, and categorized by me.
25 November 2005
Hur kan vi underlätta det ständigt ökande informationsflödet på webben?
by svartlingInternet utvecklas hela tiden och nya Web 2.0 tjänster dyker upp nästan varje dag.
Så hur gör vi för att klara oss i detta enorma informations flöde som bara växer hela tiden?
Hur kan vi med egna bloggar och hemsidor hjälpa till?
21 November 2005
Minimizing Information Overload for my subscribers
by svartlingI have made a site that filters my own postings from all my sites into categorized Newspages, and every Newspage has it’s own RSS Feed.
So for example - If a visitor is interested in “Gadgets”, he or she could subscribe to the Newspage named “Gadgets”. In that way the visitor gets all my postings about “Gadgets” from all my sites in one RSS Feed.
(3 marks)