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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "informatique musicale" & "temps réel"


MuSync – Synchronous Realtime Processing & Programming of Music Signals

by Emaux
MuSync is a joint research project between Ircam, INRIA and CNRS since January 2012. MuSync is hosted within the Musical Representation Group at Ircam. The MuSync project lies at the intersection of two important problems in Computer Music: Realtime Recognition and Extraction of musical data from audio signals. (Machine Listening). Ongoing projects include Score Following, Realtime Transcription, and Music Information Geometry. Realtime Synchronous Programming in Computer Music. Development of a computer language for artists that reacts in live interaction with an outside environment. The language in Antescofo attempts to create such possibilities.


Programming Electronic Music in Pd

by Emaux
Pd was initiated by American software engineer Miller Puckette, who previous co-developed the well known and similarly structured software Max/Msp. Pd is not commercial software; i.e., it was not developed by a corporation and is not for sale. Instead, it is “open source”: its source code is not the (patented) property of a corporation, but is rather freely available to all. One drawback to this is that a detailed operating manual for users who lack programming experience has not existed until now. In contrast to a corporation— which has a monetary interest in ensuring that first-time users can easily operate new software—the open source movement lacks such a driving force to make itself accessible. This book is an attempt to fill that gap.


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last mark : 17/09/2012 14:13