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Exercices informatique

by cascamorto (via) propose aux étudiants des exercices informatique basés sur divers supports dans les matières telles que réseau infromatique , flash, commande et script Unix ou Linux. Des centaines d'exercices corrigés chaque exercice ou cours se rapporte à des connaissances précises et constitue donc un excellent facteur d’apprentissage. Exercices informatique Exercices JAVA Exercices language C Exercices Algorithme Exercices adressage IP Exercices réseau Exercices routage IP Exercices Access Exercices merise & EA Exercices ORACLE Exercices langage SQL Exercices UNIX / Linux Exercices Active directory Exercices Word Exercices Excel Exercices maintenance Exercices UML Tutorial informatique Tutorial Word 2007 Tutorial Flash Tutorial EXCEL 2003 Tutorial PowerPoint Tutorial WORD 2003 Tutorial Windows 2003 Serveur Tutorial HTML Tutorial langage C Tutorial Linux Tutorial CISCO CCNA Tutoriel MS Access


Cheat Sheet : All Cheat Sheets in one page

by cascamorto & 5 others
All cheat sheets, round-ups, quick reference cards, quick reference guides and quick reference sheets in one page. The only one you need.



by p.fassier
Assistance de codage de programmation


M. DELEST s Home Page / Page d Accueil de M. DELEST

by cascamorto
Enseignement * Algorithmes et Structures de Données Fondamentaux Année 07-08, Licence Semestre 3 * Initiation à l algorithmique Année 03-07, Licence Semestre 2 * Méthodes Statistiques pour l Informatique Années 04-07, Licence Semestre 5, Cours assuré par Nasser Saheb * Visualisation d information Années 04-06, Master Semestre 3

IPST - Supports de cours

by cascamorto
Informatique industrielle * Génie Informatique M1 S1 o Cours C introduction, compilation, structure, définitions variables simples et opérateurs associés Les instructions et leur séquencement les fonctions, procédures et sous programmes Objets et méthodes pointeurs, tableaux et chaînes o Données et Algorithmes Introduction les variables scalaires algorithmes en C : suite o Les Travaux Pratiques TP1 : tableau de temperatures TP2 : Diagrammes de Gantt TP3 : matrices homogènes * Programmation et bases de données LPA3 S6 o Organisation du cours o Supports

TmP - The manual Page

by cascamorto & 2 others
réseaux * qu'est-ce qu'un réseau * aspects sociaux et économiques * les différentes topologies réseau * classification des réseaux * principaux concepts des réseaux * le logiciel de réseau * le modèle OSI * le modèle TCP/IP * le réseau Internet protocoles et standards * DHCP * HTTP * UDP * WAP divers * câble croisé RJ45 programmation * ASP * PHP * HTML systèmes d'exploitation * Unix * Linux * les manuels Unix


La liste ultime des mementos | Korben's Blog

by cascamorto & 6 others
Vous savez que j’aime particulierment parler des mementos qui sont des documents PDF ou autre dans lequels est concentré l’essentiel d’un sujet. Et bien Léonard qui est un fidèle lecteur et que je remercie au passage m’a envoyé la liste ultime des mementos qui fais que je peux fermer mon site vu que tout est dit ! Allez, voici la liste (in english): Actionscript * Quick reference/Cheatsheet for ActionScript 2.0 * ActionScript 3.0 Cheatsheet - flash.display Package * ActionScript3.0 - Top Level Classes * ActionScript3.0 - Packages Ajax * What’s Ajax? Cheat Sheet - PDF * Prototype Dissected - Cheat Sheet PNG * scriptaculous Combination Effects - Cheat Sheet - PDF Apache * Apache Cheat Sheet * Apache 1.3 Quick Reference Card - free quick reference cards - PDF * htaccess Cheatsheet * mod_rewrite Cheat Sheet - PNG * mod_rewrite Cheat Sheet - PDF ASCII Character Codes * ASCII Codes Cheat Sheet * Character Entity References in HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0 * HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet - PNG * HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet - PDF * HTML special character reference * HTML - Special Entity Codes * Reference Special Characters * Special ASCII HTML Character Codes * XHTML Character Entity Reference ASP * ASP / VBScript Cheat Sheet - PNG C# and VB.NET * C# and VB.NET Comparison Cheat Sheet - PDF * Cheat Sheet - Casting in VB.NET and C# CSS * CSS level 1 - Quick Reference Card - PDF * CSS level 2 - Quick Reference Card - PDF * CSS 2 - Quick Reference Guide - PDF * CSS Cheat Sheet - PDF * CSS Cheat Sheet - PNG * CSS Property Index * Cascading Style Cheatsheet * CSS Shorthand Guide CVS * CVS Cheat Sheet * Subversion Quick Reference Card - PDF * CVS Cheat-sheet C++ * C++ Containers Cheat Sheet * C++ Quick Reference Sheet (Cheat Sheet) - PDF * How to Program in C++ - Language Summary Django * Django Cheat Sheet * The Django Book Firefox * Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts - PDF * Firefox Shortcuts Sheet * Mozilla Firefox Cheat Sheet * Mozilla Thunderbird Cheat Sheet * Keyboard Shortcuts Google * Gmail Shortcuts (printable cheatsheet) * Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet) * Google Cheat Sheet (Version 1.06) - PDF * Google Cheat Sheet - auch als PDF * Google Cheat Sheets - auch als PDF * Google Help : Cheat Sheet HTML/XHTML * A Simple Guide To HTML - Cheat Sheet * HTML & XHTML Tag Quick Reference * HTML Cheat Sheet * HTML Cheatsheet * HTML Entities * HTML CODES CHEAT SHEET * XHTML * HTML Cheat Sheet * XHTML Cheat Sheet v. 1.03 - PDF * HTML DOM - Quick Reference Card - PDF * XHTML 1.0 frameset - Quick Reference Card - PDF * XHTML 1.0 strict - Quick Reference Card - PDF * XHTML 1.0 transitional - Quick Reference Card - PDF * XHTML Quick Reference Guide For XHTML 1.1 Java * Java 1.5 Cheat Sheet * Java Quick Reference - PDF * JSP Quick Reference Card * (JSPª) SYNTAX version 1.1 * (JSP™) SYNTAX version 2.0 JavaScript * JavaScript Cheat Sheet - PNG * JavaScript Cheat Sheet - PDF * JavaScript Reference * JavaScript Reference * JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference * Regular Expressions for JavaSript - free online quick reference LaTeX * Latex cheat sheet * LATEX2″ Cheat Sheet * Latex 2e Cheat Sheet LaTeX 2e Brief Reference Microformats * Microformats Cheat Sheet * Microformats Cheat Sheet Misc * CHMOD Chart * Complete listing of common camera symbols. * The Unicode-Database * RGB Hex Colour Chart - PNG * Pretty Good PGP Reference Card * Search Engine Cheat Sheet * Quick Reference Cards Ada, C, C++, CSS, CVS, Delphi, DOC++, Html, Java, JSP, Perl, PHP, Linux, Unix, SQL, UML, XML MySQL * MySQL Cheat Sheet * MySQL Cheat Sheet - PDF * MySQL Cheat Sheet - PNG * MySQL Cheat Sheet * SQL Cheatsheet * MySQL Quick Reference Card Oracle * Oracle PL/SQL Cheatsheet * Oracle Cheat Sheet * Oracle Server 9i - Quick Reference Guide * Oracle SCM Installation Cheat Sheet Perl * Perl Regular Expression -Quick Reference - PDF * Perl Cheat Sheet * Perl Cheat Sheet * Perl 5 Cheat Sheet * Perl Quick Reference - PDF * Perl Quick Reference Card - PDF * Perl Regexp Quick Reference Card - PDF Photoshop/Gimp * Gimp Quick Reference Card v.1.0 * Photoshop 7.0 Quick Reference Card for Windows - PDF * Photoshop CS2 Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) - PDF * Photoshop CS2 Keyboard Shortcuts (Macintosh) - PDF PHP * symfony PHP5 framework - Admin Generator cheat sheet - PDF * PHP Cheat Sheet - PDF * PHP Cheat Sheet - PNG * PHP Cheat Sheet with special php syntax * PHP PCRE Cheat Sheet * Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet - PNG * Smarty cheat sheet for template designers - PDF Python * Python 101 cheat sheet * Python Cheat Sheet * Python Cheat Sheet - PDF * Python Quick Reference * Python 2.4 Quick Reference Regular Expressions * Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet * Regular Expression Cheat Sheet (.NET) Ruby * ActiveRecord Relationships - Ruby on Rails cheat sheet guide - PDF * Ruby Cheatsheet * RubyOnRails-Cheatsheet - PDF * Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet - PNG * Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet Collectors Edition * Ruby on Rails cheat sheet guide - PDF * Ruby quick reference * Ruby Cheatsheet * Threadeds Ruby Cheat Sheet * What Goes Where? - Ruby on Rails cheat sheet - PDF Unix/Linux * LINUX Administrator’s Quick Reference Card - PDF * Linux Shortcuts and Commands * quick_reference [GNU screen] * Unix Cheat Sheet * The One Page Linux Manual - Version 3 - PDF * TCP Ports list (3498 ports in list) * Treebeard’s Unix Cheat Sheet * Unix command cheat sheet - common commands for the unix command line * Essential Vim keyboard shortcuts Cheat Sheet * VIM Quick Reference Card * VIM Quick Reference Card * Vim Commands Cheat Sheet Weblog * Blogger Cheatsheet - PDF * Quick Reference Chart - ExpressionEngine Documentation - PDF * TypePad Cheatsheet - PDF * Movable Type Cheatsheet - PDF * MovableType * WordPress Cheatsheet - PDF * WP - WordPress Cheat Sheet für Theme Tags und Plugin-API - PDF Windows * An A-Z Index of the Windows NT/XP command line * Graphical vi-vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial * Power Point 2000 - Keyboard Shortcuts * POWERPOINT 2003 - Quick Reference Card * Quick Reference Card for Windows® * TCP Ports list (3498 ports in list) * Windows - Alt Key Numeric Codes * Windows XP Service Reference - PDF * XP Keyboard Shortcuts: version 2 - PDF XML * Fusebox 4.1 XML Cheat Sheet * MathML Reference - PDF * VoiceXML Reference - PDF * XML TopicMaps 1.0 - Quick Reference Card - PDF * XML Quick References - PDF * XML Schema 2001: children - parents - PDF * XML Schema 2001: elements - attributes - PDF * XML Schema 2000/10 - PDF * XML Schema - Structures Quick Reference - PDF * XML Schema - Data Types Quick Reference - PDF * XSL FO Reference - PDF * XSLT Quick References - PDF * XSLT Quick Reference Card - PDF * XSLT Reference


by Lamenoir & 60 others
Site parlant de divers sujets informatique, developpement, programmation, sujet sur les technologies high-tech

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