public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags interactive_fiction & interpreter

13 July 2008

25 June 2008


by jdrsantos
Gnusto is a Mozilla application which lets you play the hundreds of games both modern and ancient available in the Z-machine format. It's still under development, but good enough to play many games already.

07 June 2008

27 May 2008

22 May 2008


by jdrsantos
ZLR is a Z-machine interpreter whose primary goal is to be fast.

JACL Adventure Creation Language - Home

by jdrsantos
JACL is an interpreted computer language originally designed for creating interactive fiction. The JACL package now includes two interpreters: jacl, the original console-based interpreter and cgijacl, a combined interpreter and HTTP server.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag interactive_fiction

adventure_games +   reviews +   tads +  

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last mark : 13/07/2008 08:58