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🔑 ANDROID - NO PUBS - BLOKADA - Tutoriel illustrĂ© - bloquer les publicitĂ© des applications avec Blokada - Émancipation informatique pour tous LIBÈRE TON ORDI !

by decembre & 1 other (via)
5 décembre 2019Les applications non libres que vous installez sur vos appareils mobiles contiennent souvent des traqueurs et affichent souvent des publicités. Blokada est une application capable de filtrer le trafic internet des autres applications afin de leur bloquer l'accÚs à la plupart des traqueurs et publicités.


« Do Not Track » : vous reprendrez bien un peu de cookies - Rue89 - L'Obs

by sbrothier & 1 other
Alors pour devenir des citoyens avertis, rendez-vous toutes affaires cessantes sur la plateforme « Do Not Track », non sans avoir autorisĂ© les cookies Ă  vous suivre, tout de mĂȘme...


Net Threats | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

by sbrothier
Because of governance issues (and the international implications of the NSA reveals), data sharing will get geographically fragmented in challenging ways. The next few years are going to be about control. — DANAH BOYD

Huge Win For Internet Privacy! - YouTube

by sbrothier
The Supreme Court threw Stephen Harper and Company a curve this week when Justice Thomas Cromwell and the court issued a strong endorsement of Internet privacy, emphasizing the privacy importance of subscriber information, the right to anonymity, and the need for police to obtain a warrant for subscriber information

Informatique : rapport Nora - Vidéo

by sbrothier
Dans le prolongement de la remise au président ce jour, du rapport Nora intitulé "L'informatisation de la société ou la télématique" (rapport écrit par Simon NORA et Alain MINC), ce reportage est consacré à la télématique (informatique et telecommunication) et ses différentes implications. Explication de François de Closets sur des animations et des images d'illustration : évocation de la communication à distance via des satellites et de la fusion de plusieurs techniques via un seul et unique réseau. Ce rapport évoque également les problÚmes inhérents à ces changements : l'emploi, la centralisation des informations, l'autonomie individuelle.

Ars tests Internet surveillance—by spying on an NPR reporter | Ars Technica

by sbrothier
For one week, while Henn researched a story, he allowed himself to be watched—acting as a stand-in, in effect, for everyone who uses Internet-connected devices. How much of our lives do we really reveal simply by going online?

The Internet With A Human Face - Beyond Tellerrand 2014 Conference Talk

by gregg & 2 others
I'm tired of being scared of what the web is going go look like tomorrow.

How One Woman Hid Her Pregnancy From Big Data

by gregg
For the past nine months, Janet Vertesi, assistant professor of sociology at Princeton University, tried to hide from the Internet the fact that she's pregnant — and it wasn't easy.

Elle veut cacher sa grossesse sur Internet pour ne pas ĂȘtre tracĂ©e, elle devient suspecte |

by gregg & 1 other
En essayant de cacher sa grossesse à Internet, Janet Vertesi a ainsi été «identifiée comme quelqu'un de probalement engagé dans des activités criminelles». Ce qui lui fait dire que le simple fait de sortir des sentiers battus du web, des rails installés par la bande des Gafa (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple), est en soi devenu suspect. Et est synonyme, pour reprendre ses termes, de comportement immoral voire criminel.

Heartbleed Bug

by sbrothier & 1 other (via)
The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. This weakness allows stealing the information protected, under normal conditions, by the SSL/TLS encryption used to secure the Internet. SSL/TLS provides communication security and privacy over the Internet for applications such as web, email, instant messaging (IM) and some virtual private networks (VPNs).

Reset the Net

by gregg
Don't ask for your privacy. Take it back. Governments have abused the Internet and twisted it beyond recognition. Now, we're taking it back. Are you in? Sign up to help Reset the Net.

What They Know - WSJ

by gregg & 1 other
Marketers are spying on Internet users -- observing and remembering people's clicks, and building and selling detailed dossiers of their activities and interests. The Wall Street Journal's What They Know series documents the new, cutting-edge uses of this Internet-tracking technology. The Journal analyzed the tracking files installed on people's computers by the 50 most popular U.S. websites, plus The Journal also built an "exposure index" -- to determine the degree to which each site exposes visitors to monitoring -- by studying the tracking technologies they install and the privacy policies that guide their use.

What They Know - WSJ

by sbrothier & 1 other
Marketers are spying on Internet users -- observing and remembering people's clicks, and building and selling detailed dossiers of their activities and interests. The Wall Street Journal's What They Know series documents the new, cutting-edge uses of this Internet-tracking technology. The Journal analyzed the tracking files installed on people's computers by the 50 most popular U.S. websites, plus The Journal also built an "exposure index" -- to determine the degree to which each site exposes visitors to monitoring -- by studying the tracking technologies they install and the privacy policies that guide their use.

The Return Of The Anonymous Internet

by sbrothier
It’s not fair to judge a new social network (or app) right after it launches; it’s like dismissing a restaurant for its irritating clientele on opening night, when the only people eating are the owner’s friends and the press. But I don’t think it’s the first-night crowd that makes Secret, a new semi-anonymous confession app, an utterly paralyzing nightmare. It’s something deeper: It’s that the app shows us, for the first time, what anonymity looks and feels like on a post-Facebook internet.


Comment Contourner La Censure Sur Internet

by sbrothier
Parce que nous croyons profondĂ©ment que la censure de l'Internet est non seulement contraire au principe mĂȘme de l'Internet, Ă  savoir de permettre Ă  ses utilisateurs de communiquer les informations qu'ils dĂ©sirent aux interlocuteurs qu'ils choisissent, mais aussi contraire au droit Ă  la libertĂ© d'opinion et d'expression, [...] qui implique le droit de ne pas ĂȘtre inquiĂ©tĂ© pour ses opinions et celui de chercher, de recevoir et de rĂ©pandre, sans considĂ©rations de frontiĂšres, les informations et les idĂ©es par quelque moyen d'expression que ce soit (DUDH, Article 19), nous vous proposons "Comment contourner la censure sur Internet".

Security In A Box | Tools and tactics for your digital security

by sbrothier
ecurity in-a-box is a collaborative effort of the Tactical Technology Collective and Front Line. It was created to meet the digital security and privacy needs of advocates and human rights defenders. Security in-a-box includes a How-to Booklet, which addresses a number of important digital security issues. It also provides a collection of Hands-on Guides, each of which includes a particular freeware or open source software tool, as well as instructions on how you can use that tool to secure your computer, protect your information or maintain the privacy of your Internet communication.

How to Erase Yourself From the Internet

by sbrothier (via)
If your growing weariness of being constantly tethered to the internet has become overwhelming, it might be time to scrub yourself from the social media sphere altogether. Here's how you can become a ghost on the Internet, by tracking down and eliminating your digital past.

BMJ Group blogs: BMJ Web Development Blog » Blog Archive » Lightbeam for Firefox: find out who’s tracking you online

by sbrothier (via)
As the internet continues to evolve, issues surrounding privacy remain a common cause for concern. There is growing anxiety among internet users of how their online activities are tracked for commercial purposes. The business model behind this is generally to aggregate a large number of users in order to sell that audience’s aggregate attention, usually in the form of advertising.  After all, “If you’re not paying for it, you’re not the customer; you’re the product being sold.”

Fight for the Future, defending our basic rights and freedoms

by gregg
Fight for the Future is dedicated to protecting and expanding the Internet's transformative power in our lives by creating civic campaigns that are engaging for millions of people.

Privacy, public health and the moral hazard of surveillance | Cory Doctorow | Technology |

by sbrothier (via)
If online oversharing is a public health problem, then the state's decision to harness it for its own purposes means that huge, powerful forces within government will come to depend on it

Cory Doctorow’s » News

by sbrothier & 1 other
One sentence: Cory Doctorow ( is a science fiction author, activist, journalist and blogger -- the co-editor of Boing Boing ( and the author of the bestselling Tor Teen/HarperCollins UK novel LITTLE BROTHER. His latest young adult novel is HOMELAND, his latest novel for adults is RAPTURE OF THE NERDS.

How to Protect Yourself Online |

by sbrothier (via)
The Internet and the information it connects to is a resource that many have come to depend upon. Facts that once might have taken several days to locate in a research library can now be obtained instantaneously using your personal computer or even a handheld wireless device. Individuals can publish to a world wide audience, mix up previously existing content to form new creations, or act as curators, sharing with friends the best new content found on the Internet. Because almost anyone with a computer or wireless device can connect to the Internet, however, some bad actors have found ways to use it to cause harm. Several US Government agencies, including the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and non-profit organizations have joined in an effort to provide consumers useful, easy-to-understand information on Internet safety that can be found at This guide summarizes some of this valuable information.

Do Not Track

by sbrothier
Two years ago, we asked a panel of experts and policymakers whether Congress needed to legislate a "Do Not Track" (DNT) online privacy mechanism. Consensus eluded that diverse panel, but they did agree that advertisers, browser makers, and standards bodies could make significant progress on their own in developing such a tool. In the time since the last panel convened, several major private sector efforts have since explored implementing a DNT mechanism, such as an opt-out cookie or an HTTP header field. Some Web browser companies have laid plans to code a DNT setting and some have implemented it. Furthermore, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a major Internet standards setting body, has been working with stakeholders in an effort to broker an agreement on how to implement a Do Not Track mechanism. W3C held a major meeting in early May -- some say a last-chance meeting -- to attempt once again to reach a consensus. The Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee will bring together major players from that W3C working group along with its co-Chair, Peter Swire, to debate and assess whether Do Not Track is necessary, feasible, likely, and/or wise. Our expert panel will also debate the potential technical implementation of DNT, the legislative and regulatory options for DNT, the potential pitfalls to ecommerce, as well as what "tracking" means and whether DNT is a job for Congress, code, or corporations.

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