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Un accès non censuré à Internet pour Windows et pour les appareils mobiles

by Giraultises (via)
Psiphon est développé par Citizen Lab et fonctionne un peu comme TOR, permettant aux personnes dont l'Internet est censuré, d’accéder librement à tous les types de contenu en passant par des connexions tiers. Il peut fonctionner sous un mode classique de VPN, mais vous pouvez aussi l'utiliser comme Proxy HTTP / SOCKS, ce qui permet de faire passer uniquement certains softs via Psiphon et pas tout votre surf.


Hide My Ass! Free Proxy and Privacy Tools - Surf The Web Anonymously

by gregg & 4 others
Use our free proxy to surf anonymously online, hide your IP address, secure your internet connection, hide your internet history, and protect your online identity


Anonymisez facilement votre navigation Internet

by Giraultises (via)
ChrisPC Free Anonymous Proxy est un proxy gratuit comme son nom l'indique qui vous permettra de vous connecter directement aux nœuds du réseau TOR. D'une part vous pourrez contourner la censure et d'autre part vous pourrez passer inaperçu (enfin avec quelques réglages supplémentaires..).



by oseres (via)
How is Tor different from other proxies? A typical proxy provider sets up a server somewhere on the Internet and allows you to use it to relay your traffic. This creates a simple, easy to maintain architecture. The users all enter and leave through the same server. The provider may charge for use of the proxy, or fund their costs through advertisements on the server. In the simplest configuration, you don't have to install anything. You just have to point your browser at their proxy server. Simple proxy providers are fine solutions if you do not want protections for your privacy and anonymity online and you trust the provider from doing bad things. Some simple proxy providers use SSL to secure your connection to them. This may protect you against local eavesdroppers, such as those at a cafe with free wifi Internet. Simple proxy providers also create a single point of failure. The provider knows who you are and where you browse on the Internet. They can see your traffic as it passes through their server. In some cases, they can see your encrypted traffic as they relay it to your banking site or to ecommerce stores. You have to trust the provider isn't doing any number of things, such as watching your traffic, injecting their own advertisements into your traffic stream, and isn't recording your personal details. Tor passes your traffic through at least 3 different servers before sending it on to the destination. Tor does not modify, or even know, what you are sending into it. It merely relays your traffic, completely encrypted through the Tor network and has it pop out somewhere else in the world, completely intact. The Tor client is required because we assume you trust your local computer. The Tor client manages the encryption and the path chosen through the network. The relays located all over the world merely pass encrypted packets between themselves.

How to Setup Your Own Web Proxy Server For Free with Google App Engine [Video Tutorial]

by ghis (via)
A simple Google search and you’ll find dozens of really good PHP scripts on the Internet to help you create proxy servers in minutes for free. The only limitation with PHP based proxies is that you require a web server to host the proxy scripts and second, you also need a domain name to act as an address for your proxy site.


2007 Free Anonymouse HTTP proxy!

by index allows you to bypass local proxies and security restrictions and surf blocked sites or simply surf privately and securely without need to install any software on your computer. If you browse the web through the website can not find your real IP address. And you also need not to configure or update anything locally, everything is prepared and working.



by nomadcom1 & 2 others (via)
Provider of Unified Threat Management Solutions Which Protect Against Hackers, Spyware, Phishing and Virus Attacks, Worms and Spam.

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