public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags internet & survey


Survey Shaker : créer des enquetes en ligne

by cyril38130
Survey Shaker, la nouvelle application intuitive et gratuite pour créer et diffuser ses enquêtes en ligne sera bientôt disponible.


ANT Censuses of the Internet Address Space

by brianwaustin
Starting in 2003, researchers at ISI have been collecting data about the Internet address space. As part of this work we have been probing all addresses in the allocated Internet address space. This web page summarizes this research, the datasets, and related papers.


Pew Internet & American Life Project

by kathleen_vincent & 1 other
The Pew Internet & American Life Project produces reports that explore the impact of the internet on families, communities, work and home, daily life, education, health care, and civic and political life. The Project aims to be an authoritative source on the evolution of the internet through collection of data and analysis of real-world developments as they affect the virtual world.



by kyleofalberta & 21 others
Great site design and great analytical software!

China sees 60 million bloggers by year's end | CNET

by vista (via)
China is the world's second-largest Internet market after the United States with more than 110 million users. A survey by Chinese search engine put the current number of blog, or Web log, sites at 36.82 million which are kept by 16 million people, the official Xinhua news agency said on Saturday. The number of Chinese bloggers is expected to hit 60 million by the end of this year, Xinhua said, quoting a report on China's media industry by the prestigious Tsinghua University.

Charlene Li's Blog: Forrester podcasting report - just 1% use podcasts

by vista (via)
Our survey showed that only 1% of online households in North America regularly download and listen to podcasts. And when you include all of the people who are just interested or have used podcasts, they strongly favor listening to existing content like Internet radio or broadcast radio, not necessarily new content. (And for newspapers thinking about podcasting, putting print stories into audio format just ranked ahead of original content from bloggers) I think this has something to do with 1) original content just isn’t as well known; and 2) existing content benefits from users that simply want to time shift it.


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