Ragel State Machine Compiler
by jpcaruanaRagel compiles executable finite state machines from regular languages. Ragel targets C, C++, Objective-C, D, Java and Ruby.
Vert.x- Effortless asynchronous application development for the modern web and enterprise
by jpcaruanaEffortless asynchronous application development for the modern web and enterprise
SoftSynth - music and computers
by EmauxSoftSynth provides audio solutions for desktops, mobile devices and the web.
Our products include a Polyphonic Ringtone Engine from Mobileer Inc. and JSyn.
XLIFF : XML Localisation Interchange File Format
by astrochoupeXLIFF est un langage de balisage créé pour standardiser les échanges liés à la localisation. XLIFF se fonde sur la syntaxe définie par XML. Ce format a été spécifié par l'OASIS en 2002.
HandlerSocket: The NoSQL MySQL & Ruby - igvita.com
by jpcaruanaHandlerSocket is a NoSQL plugin for MySQL. It works as a daemon inside the
mysqld process, accept tcp connections, and execute requests from clients.
HandlerSocket does not support SQL queries. Instead, it supports simple CRUD
operations on tables.
cipango | SIP/HTTP Servlets Application Server
by bamthomas & 1 otherCipango is a SIP Servlets extension to the popular Jetty HTTP Servlet engine. Cipango/Jetty is then a convergent SIP/HTTP Application Server compliant with both SIP Servlets 1.1 and HTTP Servlets 2.5 standards. It also features a Diameter extension to develop IMS applications.
{{ mustache }}
by jpcaruana & 4 othersAvailable in Ruby, JavaScript, Python, Erlang, PHP, Perl, Objective-C, Java, .NET, Android, C++, Go, Lua, ooc, ActionScript, ColdFusion, Scala, Clojure, Fantom, CoffeeScript, D, and for node.js.
Works great with TextMate, Vim, Emacs, and Coda.
Barre Verte ! | Notes de développeurs sur le logiciel, le design, l'agilité, l'open source, les mobiles, linux…
by jpcaruana (via)Notes de développeurs sur le logiciel, le design, l'agilité, l'open source, les mobiles, linux…
The Mirah Programming Language
by jpcaruana (via)Mirah (nee Duby) is a new experimental language born out of the JRuby project. In order to make implementing Ruby on the JVM easier and more approachable for Java and Ruby developers alike.
Charles Oliver Nutter wanted to create a language that essentially looked like Ruby, but was statically typed and compiled to fast JVM bytecode.
Mirah is the result.
cipango | SIP/HTTP Servlets Application Server
by jpcaruana & 1 otherCipango is a SIP Servlets extension to the popular Jetty HTTP Servlet engine. Cipango/Jetty is then a convergent SIP/HTTP Application Server compliant with both SIP Servlets 1.1 and HTTP Servlets 2.5 standards. It also features a Diameter extension to develop IMS applications.
scalacheck - Google Code
by jpcaruanaScalaCheck is a powerful tool for automatic unit testing of Scala and Java programs. It features automatic test case generation and minimization of failing test cases. ScalaCheck started out as a Scala port of the Haskell library QuickCheck, and has since evolved and been extended with features not found in Haskell QuickCheck.
The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Programming Scala
by jpcaruana (via)Scala is an exciting, modern, multi-paradigm language for the JVM. You can use it to write traditional, imperative, object-oriented code. But you can also leverage its higher level of abstraction to take full advantage of modern, multicore systems. Programming Scala will show you how to use this powerful functional programming language to create highly scalable, highly concurrent applications on the Java Platform.
Java to Scala with the Help of Experts | The Scala Programming Language
by jpcaruanaJava to Scala with the Help of Experts
The Scala Programming Language
by jpcaruana & 3 othersScala is a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. It smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and functional languages, enabling Java and other programmers to be more productive. Code sizes are typically reduced by a factor of two to three when compared to an equivalent Java application
Clojure - home
by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)Clojure is a dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine. It is designed to be a general-purpose language, combining the approachability and interactive development of a scripting language with an efficient and robust infrastructure for multithreaded programming. Clojure is a compiled language - it compiles directly to JVM bytecode, yet remains completely dynamic. Every feature supported by Clojure is supported at runtime. Clojure provides easy access to the Java frameworks, with optional type hints and type inference, to ensure that calls to Java can avoid reflection.
Ruby / EventMachine - Trac
by jpcaruana (via)EventMachine is a library for Ruby, C , and Java programs. It provides event-driven I/O using the Reactor pattern. EventMachine is designed to simultaneously meet two key needs:
* Extremely high scalability, performance and stability for the most demanding production environments; and
* An API that eliminates the complexities of high-performance threaded network programming, allowing engineers to concentrate on their application logic.
This unique combination makes EventMachine a premier choice for designers of critical networked applications, including web servers and proxies, email and IM production systems, authentication/authorization processors, and many more.