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PUBLIC MARKS with tags java & tomcat





Lambda Probe

by Elryk & 1 other
Open source Tomcat management and monitoring tool.


Load Balancing Tomcat with Apache

by etheriau
Takes a look at mod_proxy; mod_jk is very similar.


Struts 2 et Tomcat 6 sont sur un bateau ... - Blog - Veille - Clever Age

by ddelangle
Les deux projets Java open sources les plus populaires viennent de sortir de nouvelles versions stables.


Apache Tomcat Server Alternatives - Jetty and Resin - Enterprise Java Software Developer Station -

by holyver (via)
If your enterprise Java development is light weight and strictly avoids EJBs, you would probably consider Apache Tomcat as your first choice application server. However not only has Tomcat become rather heavy over time but it also isn't the only option you have. The list of Java servers is quite long, but it normally comes down to Tomcat, Jetty and Resin.Apache Tomcat is easily the most popular of the three and the "Powered By Tomcat" section lists some of the more well known names running Tomcat.

LaLiLuna - Tutorials for Struts, JavaServer Faces, JSF, EJB, Hibernate, Eclipse, JBoss, Tomcat, ...

by holyver & 2 others
Tutorials for Hibernate, EJB 2, EJB 3 Struts, JavaServerfaces (JSF) Tomcat, JBoss, Myeclipse, Eclipse and other

Raible Designs | Jetty vs. Tomcat vs. Resin: A Performance Comparison

by holyver (via)
This morning, I did some comparisons between Jetty 5.1.5rc1, Tomcat 5.5.9 and Resin 3.0.14 (OS version). - JBoss Application Server

by holyver & 1 other
JBoss Application Server is the #1 most widely used Java application server on the market. A J2EE certified platform for developing and deploying enterprise Java applications, Web applications, and Portals, JBoss Application Server provides the full range of J2EE 1.4 features as well as extended enterprise services including clustering, caching, and persistence.

Jboss dévoile son middleware orienté message open source ainsi qu'un serveur web - Actualités Middleware - Le Monde Informatique

by holyver (via)
Jboss persiste et signe dans sa stratégie de harcèlement des géants du Middleware. Hier, l'éditeur a dévoilé Jboss Messaging, son nouveau serveur de messages et Jboss Web son serveur Web dérivé d'Apache. Les deux logiciels seront des composants essentiels de son prochain serveur d'application attendu pour le second semestre. - Wiki - TomcatClustering

by holyver & 1 other
Including a comparaison: JBoss Tomcat Clustering versus Apache Tomcat Clustering

The Apache Jakarta Tomcat 5 Servlet/JSP Container - Documentation Index

by aromino
The Apache Jakarta Tomcat 5 Servlet/JSP Container Documentation Index

Apache Jakarta Tomcat 5.5: Configuration and Usage Tutorial

by heyvoon (via)
Tutorial de configuração e de como usar o Tomcat 5.5

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