16 February 2006 20:00
16 February 2006 18:00
Find Dinosaur Pictures - Illustrations of Dinosaurs - Dinosaurios
by misskitty4280Where to Find Great Dinosaur Pictures
16 February 2006 04:00
Strange Science: The Rocky Road to Modern Paleontology and Biology
by misskitty4280Ever wonder how people figured out there used to be such things as dinosaurs? Curious about how scientists learned to reconstruct fossil skeletons? The knowledge we take for granted today was slow in coming, and along the way, scientists and scholars had some weird ideas. This Web site shows some of their mistakes, provides a timeline of events, gives biographies of a few of the people who have gotten us where we are today, and lists resources you can use to learn more.
16 February 2006 03:00
Fighting Dinosaurs
by misskitty4280Amongst all the fossils ever found in the world, there might be nothing more bizarre than this specimen. One Protoceratops, a herbivorous (plant-eating) dinosaur, perished in the struggle with a carnivorous theropod, Velociraptor.
(4 marks)