public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags labs & research


WorldWide Telescope

by ycc2106
A web-based version of WorldWide Telescope is also now available. This version enables seamless, guided explorations of the universe from within a web browser on PC and Intel Mac OS X by using the power of Microsoft Silverlight 3.0.

Microsoft Education Labs

by ycc2106
builds prototypes and gathers data to inform ongoing and future research and development in the education space

Mozilla Labs Test Pilot

by ycc2106
Test Pilot is a platform aimed at collecting structured user feedback from Firefox and other Mozilla Labs experiments. As a Test pilot, not only will you try before anyone else the newest features and coolest user-interface ideas, you could also learn how those test results may contribute to future designs. The goal for this platform is to encourage everyone from all skill levels to improve the Web experience by conducting and participating in these tests.



PUBLIC TAGS related to tag labs

digg +   interface +   screensaver +   technology +   ui +   visualization +  

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last mark : 05/09/2009 18:32

last mark : 10/01/2007 23:55

last mark : 31/05/2005 06:35