public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag liberty




Project For A New American Revolution

by Mal Burns (via)
Liberty Library - more links to online books and documents


Court favors Christian literature on campus

by jasontromm
A federal court of appeals unanimously struck down a Florida school board policy barring students from distributing religious literature on campus. Represented by the public-interest group Liberty Counsel, student Michelle Heinkel of Cypress Lake Middle School in Fort Myers had sought permission to distribute religious and pro-life literature about the "Day of Remembrance," set aside to remember unborn children killed by abortion.

CERF 2006 - Day no. 1

by Antauri
As you may or may not know from our previous articles, CERF - Computers and Electronics Romanian Fair - is Romania’s largest information technology and communications fair and conference, annually gathering representative companies on the Romanian market, also being an important event of the IT&C companies located in Central and Eastern Europe.

Mo. Court Upholds 24-Hour Abortion Wait

by jasontromm
The Missouri Supreme Court has upheld the state's 24-hour waiting period for abortions, a decision that turns the focus of the legal battle to federal court. The unanimous ruling Tuesday by Missouri's highest court focused on whether the 2003 law ran contrary to the state constitution. The judges rejected arguments that it was overly vague and deprived people of liberty and privacy rights.


Top Ten Reasons To Stop The ACLU

by jasontromm (via)
Stop The ACLU was started on February 9th, 2004. We started with high hopes, and we realized we were facing a goliath. There were many reasons why we thought the ACLU needed to be countered, and they are numerous. We wanted to provide a way to inform the public of the ACLU’s agenda, as the MSM sugar coated it. We wanted to be a central database for people to gather, exchange ideas, and get actively involved in real ways of stopping them. It is a monumental task, exhausting, time consuming, and often frustrating. But it is a fight worth fighting.

Gestion d'identité : vers la troisième génération, par Guillaume Plouin (SQLI)

by nhoizey (via)
On entend par applications de "gestion d'identité" l'ensemble des systèmes qui permettent de gérer la vie informatique des collaborateurs de l'entreprise. Elles couvrent le provisioning : l'arrivée et départ des employés. Elles fournissent des services de consultation des données utilisateurs et, bien entendu, d'authentification et d'habilitations.


Private property rights

by jasontromm
No man’s life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag liberty

aclu +   blog +   children +   christian +   court +   religious +   school +   stop +  

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Mal Burns
last mark : 20/01/2007 20:47

last mark : 29/08/2006 12:39

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last mark : 24/04/2006 17:57

last mark : 13/04/2005 09:06