by YukuanMark你相信嗎?地球上幾乎所有的生物都「知道」時間!無數的科學家們窮畢生之力,從羽化的果蠅、覓食的蜜蜂、玩滾輪的黃金鼠、枝頭跳躍的麻雀,還有行光合作用的藍綠菌,找出了晝夜交替、
How Life Began: New Research Suggests Simple Approach
by YukuanMarkSomewhere on Earth, close to 4 billion years ago, a set of molecular reactions flipped a switch and became life. Scientists try to imagine this animating event by simplifying the processes that characterize living things.
Extreme Life on Earth
by YukuanMarkThe more we study life on Earth, the more we learn how amazingly resilient it is. Virtually everywhere we look, even in places previously thought to be completely inhospitable to life, we find creatures not just surviving, but thriving. We find organisms
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