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How To Install Firefox 3.7 (4.0) With WebM Support In Ubuntu Linux [PPA] ~ Web Upd8

by nicolargo
Installation de Firefox 4.0 (actuellement appelé 3.7) avec support de WebM sous Ubuntu

Crear una extensión para Firefox 3 - Wikilibros

by m.meixide
En el siguiente tutorial se explicará paso a paso como llevar a cabo el desarrollo de una extensión personalizada para Firefox 3. De esta forma el lector podrá generar de forma fácil extensiones que le permitan personalizar su Firefox, teniendo en cuenta que serán compatibles a partir de Firefox3.0 en adelante.

Packaging extensions - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

by m.meixide
Before releasing extension, you need to package it into an XPI file, so that others can easily install it with a few clicks. provides the most comprehensive technical document on packaging extensions. It explains the format of the install.rdf manifest for those wishing to create one from scratch. See install.rdf page for the list of tools and a template that make it easier to create an install manifest.

Creating XPI Installer Modules - MDC

by m.meixide
Mozilla has introduced major changes to the way that themes and all the other parts of the UI are packaged. This new packaging scheme is called XPI (pronounced "zippy"), and interacts with XPInstall. A XPI file typically contains the resources to be installed (in this case the barley.jar we want to have installed in the Mozilla/bin/chrome/ directory) and an install script that guides the installation process. ubuntuzilla

by alexnihilo & 1 other
last firefox and thunderbird package for ubuntu

Navegador Firefox en galego

by m.meixide (via)
Máis rápido, máis seguro e máis adaptábel. Actualícese a un navegador que fala no seu idioma! Firefox é a mellor maneira de navegar pola Internet de forma máis rápida e segura.


Announcing Moonshine, the project never formerly known as Pornilus | Aaron Bockover

by greut

Moonshine is a project based on Moonlight that leverages the built-in Windows Media capabilities of Silverlight to bring Windows Media playback to Linux in a fully legitimate way, without forcing the end user worry about what a codec is. This is possible because Microsoft provides the codecs directly to all Moonlight users, regardless of their choice of Linux distribution.

Not worse than Flash imho, but not better, gimme ogg/theora!



by camel
Microsoft propose maintenant une nouvelle méthode via sa plate-forme OpenSource CodePlex : une extension Firefox pour Windows et Linux permettant d’ouvrir les fichiers docx comme de simples pages HTML. docxfirefox L’outil se charge en fait de réaliser une conversion à la volée du fichier docx en html tout en conservant les styles du document d’origine. Il est d’ailleurs possible de télécharger un outil en ligne de commande pour réaliser cette conversion.

Layout.css.dpi - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

by sylvainulg (via)
and here we know whether it should be -1 or 0

With Browsershot it takes a click to test your web design in different browsers | Kabatology ~ Open Source, Linux

by parmentierf
rowsershots is a web application that offers the fastest way to check your web design in different browsers – it does so in less than 10 minutes and eliminates the need to jump from one operating system to the other. This web application takes thumbnails of webpages on the Linux, BSD, Windows and Mac platforms and deploys over 50 different browser including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Konqueror, Opera, Navigator, Safari – and many other unknown browsers.

L'Agenda du Libre

by kooolman
"Chtinux, pour clore dans le calme un week-end de folie à fêter le Libre, vous invite à visiter le Zoo de Lille et ses adorââbles pandas roux, aka firefoxes."

Présentation du Linutop 2 - Standblog

by nhoizey
Linutop est un vraiment minuscule ordinateur prêt à fonctionner, sous Linux. Il est idéal pour naviguer sur le Web, lire ses mails, faire de la bureautique, et même regarder des vidéos ! En plus, c'est écologique, et c'est français !

Meus plugins galegos (Firefox)

by m.meixide
Files Boox, WikiPTedia (PT), WUKipedia (UK), Galipedia (Ga), WikipESdia (ES), Googalego, RILG (Recursos Integrados da Lingua Galega), Jogli (musica), Toponimia Galega, FileFab e LinkDirecto (procuras en sitios como fileshare, megaupload etc), Tooorgle+TorrentHound+Usniff (3 buscadores de torrents para baixar arquivos con ese protocolo), DRAG e RAE (Dicionarios das academias), Dic WordReference EN-ES (Excelente dicionario inglés e moitas linguas), RefSeek (Referencias), PanImaxes (Imaxes en Flikr e Google), Blinkx (Procura Videos).

Surfin’ Safari - Blog Archive » Color Spaces

by nhoizey
The css/html/svg specs make it very clear that all images with profiles included should have those profiles interpreted, but Windows IE and Gecko don’t do this. The specs also make it clear that untagged images should be treated as if they were sRGB. Sa



by parmentierf & 4 others (via)
Instantbird is a multi-protocol Instant Messaging client. Using it, you can connect to all your different IM accounts. It uses the Mozilla rendering engine to display IMs, and the Pidgin libpurple to connect to the different networks. Instantbird is a free and open source software. So you are free to use, distribute and modify it.

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