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Trisquel on Sugar | Trisquel GNU/Linux - Run free!

by tadeufilippini (via)
Trisquel on Sugar SugarWe have a new project, a live -and installable- CD/USB image running the latest Sugar learning platform: "The award-winning Sugar Learning Platform promotes collaborative learning through Sugar Activities that encourage critical thinking, the heart of a quality education. Designed from the ground up especially for children, Sugar offers an alternative to traditional “office-desktop” software." This new project will improve the Trisquel Edu system, providing a nice educational environment for first grade students. We hope this will also be the start of a productive relationship with the SugarLabs folks, who helped us a lot to achieve this release. Many thanks to Aleksey Lim and to everyone at the Sugar project for giving us this wonderful software! The project was presented during the Software Freedom Day 09 event organized by the Free Software Foundation. Briefly introduced by Walter Bender, founder of SugarLabs, our Sugar+Trisquel solution provides a way to run this excelent educational software in a fully free system. Trisquel 3.0 was also featured in the FSF event, running on the computers available for the public on site. Highligts Built using the latest Sugar and Trisquel versions available. Installable live CD, with MD5 self-checking utility. Persistent user data in live-usb sessions, graphical usb-creator included. Boot menu with 30 selectable languages. LTSP thin client support using a Trisquel Edu server. Sugar style artwork. Testing You can help us and the Sugar project by testing the release candidate iso image: Send any bugs you find to our bug tracker. We will also report them upstream in case they are not caused by the Trisquel base system.


SliTaz GNU/Linux - Página de Inicio

by m.meixide
Slitaz es una micro distro GNU/Linux pensada para arrancar desde memorias USB o CD-ROM, ejecutándose directamente en la memoria del ordenador. SliTaz se distribuye como una imagen ISO de LiveCD cuyo tamaño no llega a los 30 MiB, proporcionando un sistema rápido, robusto y elegante. De manejo simple e intuitivo, SliTaz incluye un gestor de ventanas ligero, el servidor web LightTPD, navegadores en modo texto y en modo gráfico, Gparted, un cliente IRC, editores de texto, cliente/servidor SSH, SQLite, PHP, un wiki preinstalado, editor de audio, numerosas utilidades de sistema, soporte para disco duro, red, usb, tarjeta de sonido, y mucho más.

Redo – Le live CD des backups et récupérations de fichiers

by nicolargo & 1 other
Redo – Le live CD des backups et récupérations de fichiers


by m.meixide
TorK + Tor = LiveCD Navegación anónima

Welcome – SUSE Studio

by m.meixide & 1 other
Build an appliance — or your own custom Linux distro — with a few mouse clicks. Customize it to your heart's content, and share it with the world! # Live CD/DVD # VMware image # Hard disk / USB image # Xen

Kon Boot - Etre admin sur tous les OS avec un simple LiveCD |

by simon_bricolo
live CD qui permet de booter un Windows OU un Linux lorsqu’on a perdu son mot de passe

Debian Live Project

by m.meixide & 2 others
A Debian Live system is a Debian operating system that does not require a classical installer to use it. It comes on various media, including CD-ROM, USB sticks, or via netboot. Why Debian Live? Although the Debian Live project is about the framework to create your own customized Live system, we offer some prebuilt images. Currently, builds for three desktop environments (GNOME, KDE and Xfce) as well as the standard system are available.


INSERT : Inside Security Rescue Toolkit

by cascamorto & 4 others
INSERT is a complete, bootable linux system. It comes with a graphical user interface running the fluxbox window manager while still being sufficiently small to fit on a credit card-sized CD-ROM. INSERT contains a multitude of useful tools to be at your hand in a variety of situations: full read-write support for NTFS-partitions using ntfs-3g support for various file system types: locally: EXT2,EXT3,REISERFS,REISER4,JFS,XFS,NTFS,FAT,MSDOS,MINIX,UDF,HFS,HFS ,HPFS,UFS,UNIONFS,SQUASHFS net based: NFS,SMBFS,CIFS,NCPFS,SSHFS,AFS support for linux software RAID and LVM2 support for WLAN adapters network analysis (e.g. nmap, tcpdump) disaster recovery (e.g. gparted, gpart, partimage, testdisk, recover) virus scanning (Clam Antivirus, the GUI xfprot for F-Prot) computer forensics (e.g. chkrootkit, foremost, rootkit hunter) surf the internet (e.g. the web browser dillo [enhanced version], the graphical FTP client gFTP) network boot server to boot network boot enabled clients that cannot boot from the CD (insert-remote) installation on a USB memory stick (usb-install) based on Linux kernel and Knoppix 5.1.1

CD ROM de Secours GPCsecours Edition Standard

by cascamorto & 1 other
Applications de Secours du CD live Ubuntu ChkDsk : Réparer les erreurs sur le disque dur Memtest : Diagnostiquer la mémoire vive Nautilus : Accéder aux données Windows et Sauvegarder Internet : Surfer sur Internet sans contaminer votre PC Avast : Détecter et éliminer les virus


SliTaz GNU/Linux

by cascamorto & 3 others
Slitaz est un système libre fonctionnant autonomement en mémoire vive, et démarrant depuis un média amovible tel qu'un cdrom. SliTaz est distribuée sous forme de LiveCD, c'est une images ISO gravable de moins de 30 Mb. Le système est rapide et réactif, épuré et robuste. SliTaz se veut simple et intuitive, fournissant un bureau graphique léger, le serveur web LightTPD, des navigateurs web (texte et graphique), un client IRC, des éditeurs de texte, client/serveur SSH, SQLite, PHP, un wiki péinstallé, de nombreux outils système, support IDE, eth0, les disques USB. SliTaz est francisée au mieux, le système peut aussi être utilisée en anglais et permet de sauvegarder ses fichiers sur media USB.

❤️ 🛠 TESTDISK - Category : Data Recovery - CGSecurity

by decembre
150 articles in this category..... Serie de liens sur la Récupération de Données , logiciels, technique, sythem d'exploitations et d'aides....etc.... Une mine d'or!

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