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PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & microsoft



Informatique : vendre le vieux monde ?

by dszalkowski
Informatique : vendre le vieux monde ? En 10 ans, du fait de l'accélération des débits de l'Internet, le secteur de l'IT vient de connaître de profonds bouleversements aux conséquences extrêmement fortes sur l'emploi informatique.  Dsfc


chmc | Free Development software downloads at

by sylvainulg (via)
chm document generation by doxygen doesn't work out-of-the-box : it needs a .chm compiler. This could be an interesting alternative to the use of (MS) hhc.exe over wine



JumpBox for the DSpace Open Source Repository | JumpBox Inc.

by parmentierf
A JumpBox packages an application's software, dependencies, and application data into a single virtual appliance that deploys locally, or hosted to major virtualization, and cloud computing platforms. Deploy on Windows, Mac, or Linux using virtualization platforms like VMware, Xen, Parallels, Virtual Iron, Microsoft Virtualization, and Amazon EC2.

Safe C String Library v1.0.3 (January 30, 2005)

by parmentierf (via)
The goal of the SafeStr library is to provide a rich string-handling library for C that has safe semantics yet interoperates with legacy library code in a straightforward manner. Additionally, porting code that uses standard C string handling should be straightforward. The library should work on all modern Unix-like platforms, as well as any 32-bit Microsoft Windows OS. The overt security goals of the library are as follows: 1. Buffer overflows should not be possible when using the API. 2. Format string problems should be impossible when using the API. 3. The API should be capable of tracking whether strings are "trusted", a la Perl's taint mode. The API is meant to provide rich functionality and be easy to use, all the while improving security.


Perl & PHP : plus rapide à installer sous Windows que sous GNU/Linux…

by nhoizey
Et la marmotte vous allez me dire ? La marmotte en l’occurrence c’est Microsoft qui nous offre deux screencats censés démontrer la facilité de Windows et le gain de temps procuré comparé à une solution GNU/Linux

obby - Trac

by parmentierf & 5 others
Gobby is a free collaborative editor supporting multiple documents in one session and a multi-user chat. It runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix-like platforms.

Passez à GNU/Linux !

by parmentierf & 6 others (via)
GNU/Linux, ou simplement Linux, est une alternative à Microsoft Windows®. Il est facile à utiliser et donne plus de liberté aux utilisateurs. Linux est libre et gratuit : n'importe qui peut l'installer.


Linbox Converter

by CharlesNepote
"Un serveur de conversion de fichiers MS-Office Linbox-Converter est un logiciel de conversion de documents MS-Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) vers les formats PDF, PostScript, texte, HTML, RTF, et TIFF. [...]"

Colloquis Developer Center

by parmentierf (via)
On this site, you'll find everything you need to develop conversational agents on the Colloquis platform. Conversational agents are software programs that interact with users in a natural, conversational style. They operate on the Web, or via virtually any form of text messaging. Conversational agents are ideal for providing customer service and support, but can be used for many other purposes as well. Master braindump list, certification exam list

by index
Provides thousands FREE braindumps for most industry-recognized IT certification, including: Microsoft, Oracle, CompTIA, Checkpoint, Cisco, CIW, Novell, Sun and other. Enables to pass certifications with on-line simulations. Includes free study guides.

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