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PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & photo


🛠 🖼 LOGICIEL - Real ESRGAN – Améliorez la qualité de vos photos

by decembre
Ça s’appelle Real ESRGAN et comme son nom l’indique, ça utilise du deep learning / apprentissage pour restaurer des images. L’outil est en python et peut-être utilisé sur Google Colab mais également en ligne de commande sous Windows / Linux et macOS. Pour l’utiliser, rien de plus simple. Il suffit d’appeler le soft avec le paramètre -i (pour input) et d’indiquer l’image source, suivie du paramètre -o (output) suivi du nom de fichier sous lequel vous voulez enregistrer la version améliorée. Pas besoin de CUDA ou de PyTorch, ça fonctionnera directement J’ai testé sur un logo YouTube tout pixelisé et comme vous pouvez le voir, le résultat est vraiment bluffant.



darktable | news

by rmaltete (via)
"lightroom" pour linux


darktable | about

by nhoizey
"darktable is a virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers: it manages your digital negatives in a database and lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable. it also enables you to develop raw images and enhance them"

DLFP: Rapide état des lieux de la photo numérique sous linux

by nicolargo
Rapide état des lieux de la photo numérique sous linux

AndreaMosaic Home Page

by rmaltete & 8 others
AndreaMosaic, a free project to create digital art using images and computer software. With AndreaMosaic you can create your own photographic mosaics made with your own pictures. A photo mosaic is an image composed of many tiled photos. Enjoy the artwork and feel free to contact the author Andrea at .


How to convert raw cr2 pictures with linux, and merge pictures by date and Exif data with jhead

by ghis (via)
"I recently went to an event with a coworker who took pictures with an SLR Canon Camera that took cr2 raw pictures. My goal was to convert them to jpeg, and integrate them with my own pictures (merging/interleaving them by date using the picture data inside cr2 and Exif for my jpegs)"

FTPix : Envoyez vos images sur votre ftp et gérez les

by nhoizey
"FTPix est un utilitaire simple et léger pour gérer ses images sur son serveur FTP. Disponible sur Windows, Mac OS X et Linux"

Stanford’s Open Source Camera Project

by Spone & 1 other (via)
The web is abuzz over a project over at Stanford that aims to revolutionize how we think about photography by building an open source camera (dubbed Frankencamera). That’s right… Open. Source. Camera. While you try to wrap your mind around this new paradigm, I’ll point out of a few of the important aspects of the project and throw in some of my thoughts on it.

Color 'Round Linux

by Yann_L
blog consacré notammment à la gestion de couleurs sous Linux

Gimp (

by Emaux
DarwinGimp is the SourceForge Project of the Wilber loves Applecommunity. We package GIMP for Mac OS X

flump - onairbustour - Google Code - Simple Flickr image downloader

by nhoizey & 3 others
flump is a simple application that allows your to download all of the public photos for a specific Flickr account.


anbits: FlickrSave: Upload your photos to Flickr from within GIMP

by sylvainulg (via)
save gimp files to flickr. And it also means there is a flickr_upload script around that could save me hours of clicking ^_^

EquinoxeFR » Archive du blog » Import en masse de photos dans F-spot: une solution ;-)

by gregR
sudo apt-get install libdbd-sqlite3-perl libdate-manip-perl libdbi-perl libimage-exiftool-perl wget chmod x


by yakari35 (via)
Forum sur la photo sous GNU/Linux

User Guide/Organize - F-Spot

by sylvainulg
the perfect gnome tool to master your photo collection (?) flickredit

by nhoizey & 2 others
FlickrEdit is a Java Desktop application that allows you to display and edit your photos in a variety of ways. It also allows you to download/backup or upload your photos to and from Flickr

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag linux

directory +   editing +   for:bcascais +   for:cafecurto +   for:fajardas +   for:frankpassas +   for:mmrdsv +   for:neverlastd +   freeware +   games +   gimp +   kde +   open_source +   software +   video +  

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