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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "load balancing" & mysql

August 2007

October 2006

How To Set Up A Load-Balanced MySQL Cluster | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by holyver & 6 others
This tutorial shows how to configure a MySQL 5 cluster with three nodes: two storage nodes and one management node. This cluster is load-balanced by a high-availability load balancer that in fact has two nodes that use the Ultra Monkey package which provides heartbeat (for checking if the other node is still alive) and ldirectord (to split up the requests to the nodes of the MySQL cluster).

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "load balancing"

apache +   cluster +   howto +   mod_jk +   ssl +   tomcat +   tutorial +  

Active users

last mark : 27/08/2007 12:21

last mark : 18/10/2006 21:35