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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mac & application


Sublime Text: The text editor you'll fall in love with

by Xavier Lacot & 3 others
"Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose". Maybe a replacement to Textmate ?


Alfred App

by nhoizey & 2 others
Alfred is a quicklaunch application for Mac OS X, which aims to save you time in searching your local computer and the web. Whether it's maps, Amazon, eBay, Wikipedia, you can feed your web addiction quicker than ever before.

MacFreeware, tous les freewares sur Mac OS X

by keusta

WifiTunes est une application avec laquelle vous pourrez contrôler iTunes via Safari sur votre iPhone, iPod touch ou n'importe quel autre navigateur moderne. Il construit ainsi une connexion entre iTunes et votre navigateur internet. Vous aurez accès aux mêmes fonction qu'iTunes, pourrez ranger vos musiques à distance, voir la pochette de CD correspondante, contrôler votre playlist, lancer les animations, accéder aux podcasts, films et émissions de télévision. Vous pourrez choisir, changer les chansons grâce à une barre de contrôle qui s'affichera en bas de votre écran.


How to Install htop on OSX | Geek Technica

by Xavier Lacot
I have searched for long an OSX version of the excellent htop utilty, and finally found a way how to install it.


by Xavier Lacot enhancements for power users - Mac Tricks and Tips, Wallpapers and Applications for Mac Users

by nhoizey
"There are several application launchers available on the net. They have their own uniqueness, advantages and disadvantages. I am sure you will stick to one Application launcher, just like other power Mac users. "


by nhoizey
"Namely is possibly the fastest way to open applications. And unlike some other launchers, it doesn't require any learning."

Slife Labs, LLC

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
Slife is a time and activity analytics application for both Mac and Windows that automatically keeps track of where you spend your time on your computer.

AddressBookSync | Facebook Picture Synchronization with OS X Address Book

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
AddressBookSync is a free Mac OS X application to download profile pictures and other Facebook data to Address Book cards. This is a handy tool to keep your contacts' pictures updated if you have numerous Facebook friends in your Mac OS X Address Book.



by topdos & 1 other
iShowU is your answer! iShowU is designed to record anything on your screen, instantly — both audio, and video

fotonauts enfin ouvert en beta

by nhoizey
fotonauts est un nouveau site/système de partage de photos, mais avoir l'objectif innovant de devenir une sorte de Wikipedia de la photo, à tester !


by nhoizey
RapidoSerial est une application qui vous permet de construire rapidement une base de données de vos applications et des licences liées.

Lighthead - Caffeine

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
Caffeine is a tiny program that puts an icon in the right side of your menu bar. Click it to prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep, dimming the screen or starting screen savers. Chicken of the VNC

by Xavier Lacot & 4 others
Chicken of the VNC is a VNC client for Mac OS X. A VNC client allows one to display and interact with a remote computer screen. In other words, you can use Chicken of the VNC to interact with a remote computer as though it's right next to you.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag mac

apple +   cocoa +   desktop +   key +   linux +   macbookair +   macbookpro +   opensource +   osx +   outils +   public +   refurb +   registration +   shareware +   simplicity +   ssl +   survey +   tutorials +   ubuntu +   vista +   windows +  

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Xavier Lacot
last mark : 03/03/2011 15:06

last mark : 03/08/2010 11:05

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last mark : 06/03/2010 17:40

last mark : 01/03/2010 16:20

last mark : 09/02/2010 17:18

last mark : 24/10/2008 07:59

last mark : 16/07/2008 23:59