October 2008
flipper - Google Code
by camel & 1 otherFlipper is a tool for managing pairs of MySQL servers replicating to each other (commonly known as master-master replication or dual-master replication). Master-master replication is a great way of ensuring high availability for MySQL databases - it enables one half of the pair to be taken offline for maintenance work while the other half carries on dealing with queries from clients.
Flipper achieves this by moving IP addresses based on a role ("read-only", "writable") between the two nodes in the master pair, to ensure that each role is available.
Flipper is written in perl, and has been designed to be as portable as possible.
October 2007
mysqlslavesync - Google Code
by camel & 1 other (via)mysqlslavesync entre dans la famille des automatiseurs : tous ces outils qui permettent de mettre en place une solution standardisée. Ici, il s'agit de mettre en place la réplication MySQL sur un nouvel esclave.
"L'outil se connecte au maître, effectue un dump ou un mysqlhotcopy, transfert les données, installe les données, puis configure les paramètres de réplication." Et voila, c'est tout. Si vous devez multiplier rapidement les esclaves, cela sera un répit important pour vos amis administrateur.
February 2007
(3 marks)