by knannHigh quality resources from recognized providers such as ReadWriteThink, Illuminations, Science NetLinks, etc.
Room 108 Teacher Resources
by knannFun interactives for science,social studies, and more. If you see something you want linked directly for students, let me know.
Interactive Whiteboard Resources Elementary Classrooms
by knannwhiteboard activities in all subjects
Pete's Power Point Station
by knann (via)- FREE PowerPoints for K-12 on just about everything Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science, Literature, More!
by knann & 1 otherTeachersFirst is a rich collection of lessons and web resources for K-12 classroom teachers, their students, and even students' families. Materials are arranged by subject area and grade level, making it easy to locate lesson plans and associated web resources quickly
Kidspiration Activity Templates
by knannMany curriculum related templates created by teachers for grades k-5 available for downloading. Check it out!
(6 marks)