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PUBLIC MARKS with tags microsoft & 2005

February 2006

January 2006

Video Game Development: Learn to Write C# the Fun Way

by bcpbcp & 1 other
Learn the concepts of 3-D video game production as instructors from DigiPen Institute of Technology demonstrate the key stages of developing a game engine using Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition, a new development environment for beginner programmers.

December 2005

November 2005

Inside Firefox - The Inside Track on Firefox Development

by bcpbcp & 3 others
A lot of us are fans of tabbed browsing. It's one of the most useful changes in window and document management since the Task Bar on Windows. People who like to work with multiple documents like quick, convenient access to them. It's part of the reason Microsoft moved Office to a SDI model. That said, Firefox is a browser for everybody, and a lot of people don't use a lot of windows. In one of the PDC videos released a month or so back, a Microsoft representative said that they had done studies that showed that users generally had no more than 5 windows open at a time. This surprised them because they, like most of us, were used to browsing with tens of windows. The challenges that face us building the Firefox UI is how to make Tabbed Browsing useful to those who want it, discoverable to those whose lives would be made easier by it, and transparent to those who don't need it.

October 2005

IDG Now! Webmail Brasileiro em ajax

by bcpbcp
� frente de competidores de peso, como Yahoo e Microsoft, que ainda trabalham nos seus betas, a Inova, empresa brasileira fundada em 1996, lan�a uma plataforma de webmail baseada em AJAX, arquitetura que permite o desenvolvimento de aplica��es web ricas.

Norman y Nielsen: Microsoft 99% Good - []

by bcpbcp (via)
�ltimamente, �l y Donald Norman no paran de alabar los nuevos productos de Microsoft, y lo sospechoso es que lo hacen criticando el entorno Macintosh.

R.I.P. WYSIWYG - Results-Oriented UI Coming (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)

by bcpbcp & 6 others (via)
Macintosh-style interaction design has reached its limits. A new paradigm, called results-oriented UI, might well be the way to empower users in the future.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag microsoft

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last mark : 10/02/2006 07:39

last mark : 19/01/2006 17:16

last mark : 29/12/2005 02:23