WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive
by Emaux & 1 otherThe Werner Icking Music Archive contains a miscellany of subject-specific musical material. Click on the name of a subdirectory containing scores, sound files, typesetting source files, additional README-files etc., or follow the composer links to enjoy fully all of the Archive's possibilities.
Olivier Gloton : ressources techniques pour le spectacle
by EmauxVous trouverez ici un extrait de mes cahiers de bord, synthèses sur le DMX 512 et la norme MIDI, des fiches "techniques" traitant de sujets connexes complétées par quelques schémas électroniques simples mais pratiques, des liens, etc...
Developer resources: Assistive Technology : UNC-CS
by EmauxOn this page you will find links to documentation, tutorials, Windows binaries, and source code for our various Python libraries.
(3 marks)