Ninite - Install or Update Multiple Apps at Once
by cascamorto & 11 othersJust pick your apps and click Get Installer. Ninite does the rest — fully automatic.
Software Informer : Latest version download
by cascamortoSoftware Informer is a powerful application that keeps your software updated.
Upon installation, Software Informer will scan your entire computer and detect your application's versions. Then, it will compare those applications with the online database and tell you which programs are up-to-date and which are not.
Device driver backup, restoration, update and removal software for Windows, drivers backup, backup drivers
by cascamortoDriver Magician offers a professional solution for device drivers backup, restoration, update and removal in Windows operating system. It identifies all the hardware in the system, extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up to a location of your choice.
Driver Magician has a built in database of the latest drivers with the ability to go to the Internet to receive the driver updates.
If there are unknown devices in your PC, Driver Magician helps you detect them easily and quickly with its built in hardware identifier database.
DriverMax - free driver updates
by cascamortoWelcome to DriverMax.com, the place where you can get the latest driver updates for Windows XP and Windows Vista...
DriverMax allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer.
You can also export all your current drivers to a folder or a compressed file. When reinstalling Windows you will have all drivers in one place!
by cascamortoThis free website allows users of Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3, Netscape 4.0, Mozilla Firebird 0.7, Opera 5, or K-Meleon 0.9 to keep their copy of Windows up-to-date. Newer releases of these browsers are also suitable.
Por utiliser ce site, vou aurez besoin d'installer ce plugin gratuit.
Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Downloads & Updates
by cascamortoWindows Server Update Services (WSUS) Downloads & Updates
Windows Server Update Services - Getting Started
Windows Server Update Services - Deployment
Prolongez la vie de vos vieux PC grâce à Windows
by cascamortoLe service pack d'Exuberant Software met à jour et fiabilise Windows 98 SE. Eiger, la version "light" de Windows XP, prolonge la vie des vieux PC en les transformant en clients légers.
Adeptes de Windows 98 SE réjouissez vous ! L'éditeur Exuberant Software et le site WebMatze.free.fr viennent d'annoncer un service pack en français pour Windows 98 SE. Non officiel mais gratuit, il permet d'installer plus de 100 mises à jour d'un coup.
Présentation de Windows Server Update Services - WSUS
by cascamortoWindows Server Update Services (WSUS) est la seconde génération de logiciel serveur pour le déploiement des mises à jour, proposée par Microsoft pour remplacer Software Update Services (SUS). La liste des options a été étoffée et le déploiement des serveurs a été grandement simplifié mais WSUS a toujours pour but de limiter l'utilisation de la bande passante vers Internet et de s'assurer que vos systèmes Windows (Windows 2000, XP et 2003) possèdent les dernières mises à jour installées sur votre parc informatique.
RyanVM's Windows XP Post-SP2 Update Pack
by cascamortoThis pack is designed to bring a Windows XP CD with SP2 integrated fully up to date with all of the latest hotfixes released by Microsoft since SP2's release. It accomplishes this task via direct integration, where files on the CD are directly overwritten by the updated files.
Les mises à jour Windows sans WindowsUpdate
by cascamortoWindows Update c’est bien, mais c’est pas toujours très pratique. Tout d’abord parce qu’on doit avoir Internet Explorer (ou le petit soft résidant Microsoft) et ensuite parce qu’on ne peut pas forcement choisir ce qu’on veut mettre à jour !
Windows Update Downloader de son petit nom WUD permet d’échapper à tout ça et d’installer les mises à jour selon vos désirs... Ce soft s’installe comme n’importe quelle application. Ensuite, vous vous rendez sur le site et vous faites votre shopping de mises à jours...
(10 marks)